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Do you see this as an insult?


Active Member
[SIZE=+0]"Touch by an Atheist" was not a clear cut offensive sketch. Yeah there are elements in the skeptic camp that would be considered unfair with material from the believers camp reflecting the same perception. Believers are portrayed as narrow-minded, bigoted, naive, childlike, judgemental, and self-righteous. Skeptics are viewed as using their reason to tear apart sincere beliefs/worldview, as being all strong atheists with some hint of the self-righteous found in the believers camp. Provided if MAD TV were to do a re-run of this episode with a more inflamatory approach we would've seen all people's beliefs treated with disrespect, or if one side were favored over the other.[/SIZE]


Active Member
after all, if they take the skit too seriously then that means they can't take a joke (or understand what was going on).


Active Member
I just felt like it put atheists in a bad light. Not all atheists are hedonists that go to the 'titty bars by the airports'


Well-Known Member
sparc872 said:
I just felt like it put atheists in a bad light. Not all atheists are hedonists that go to the 'titty bars by the airports'

Its not really the atheist that is the hedonist, but george carlin, have you EVER heard his stand up comedy? When he talks bout sex?


I didnt think it was offensive to atheist but it was probably offensive to theists, i thought the bit with the pope was good.


Done here.
I don't find it insulting, but then, I don't object to people going to titty bars, either. ;)


Reason, and reason again
Considering what type of show it is, no.

I mean, Family Guy is one of my favorite shows. :D

Aslong as it's not meant to be taken seriously, I don't care.


Active Member
Family Guy is one of my favorite shows as well.

I take up an issue with this because I know plenty of Christians who watch MadTV and SNL, and when they see an atheist acting in a way that could be considered immoral, it only feeds their preconceived notions of what an atheist is. I realize that there is an attack on Catholics in there as well and I do take into account the type of show that it is. However, I still find it a bit stereotypical and that is where I find offense.

I probably just need to lighten up a little though :) ...this has been a pretty stressful week.
Yep, that's it!

I'd forgotten that I'd seen it before, heck I probably even posted it somewhere! Must be all that weed that I can't get in Heaven that made me forget. So I've got to imbibe as much as I can before I get there, huh? Why the deuce would I want to go to heaven if I can't get any weed there? I'd rather go in the other direction, at least they're liable to have some serious chronic!


Dr. Nosophoros

Active Member
I never thought Atheists were the type to worry about what others thought. Do we need to create another "pity party" box for some to sit in? Amongst many others.