God exists as One Triune God Head, in Three Persons. That being the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. God only reveals Himself to his Elect Saints, He doesn't reveal Himself to rest of humanity. So, only the His Elect know Him and have an intimate relationship with Him.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but He has hidden Himself from you if you're not one of His elect Saints. The only time the non elect get to meet His is just before He castes them into hell.
God chose to save a number of people for Himself, before He created the world. Our names are written in His book, the rest of humanity will be condemned because everyone sinned and God must cast them into hell just as a judge passes the death penalty to criminals.
The Elect Saints of God, don't have any marks on our bodies, whereby you can identify us. We do have the seal of God on our foreheads, which can only be seen by those who live in the spiritual realm. They are the Angels, both good and evil Angels can see who's child each person is. The children 0f the Devil have the mark of the beast on their foreheads and Gods children have the seal of God on our foreheads.
Men can distinguish between the two kinds of people, by the way each lives. The Devils children do their fathers will, which is to kill, steal, destroy, lie, cheat, abuse drugs and alcohol, live sexually immoral rebellious lives. It's plain to see, nobody can hide who they are. You can identify Gods children because they don't live to fulfill the lust of the flesh. We live to serve and glorify God in everything we do, and that's the opposite of what the Devils children do.