He is a white man with blue eyes and blond hair, He is around 6 feet tall. He's handsome and masculine, not like some of the artists portrayed Him as an effeminate guy with long hair.
So the universe was created by a blond male human? How did God evolve to have that form (a member of the species homo sapiens, oxygen breather, Y-chromosomal, and Nordic blond hair and Nordic blue eyes? Are you sure you're not talking about Odin?
He is the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Almighty Creator Jehovah God.
Why in the NT does the Jesus of Paul (through Paul), and the Jesus of Mark, the Jesus of Matthew, the Jesus of Luke and the Jesus of John (in their own words) deny that they're God? Why did none of them ever claim to be God? Why did the Jesus of Mark and the Jesus of Matthew say, on the cross (as you would have it), "Me, me, why have I forsaken me?"? Why did the Jesus of Mark, the Jesus of Matthew, the Jesus of Luke, and the Jesus of John pray in the garden, "If it be my will, let this cup pass from me"?
God has never shown that book to anyone, that's His private book
Feelthy peectures? Or just
My Sekrit Diery?
No, there are only two kinds of people. Gods Children or the Devils Children, there are no other kinds of people.
So it's entirely political then, Trump or the Devil?
He enjoys receiving praise and worship, which is perfectly normal and to be expected
When you're all-powerful, it seems a weird waste of time inventing critters to tell you how terrific you are, no really, boss, you're wonderful, magnificent, simply THE best!
Oh, and one last question, if I may. God (as I understand it) says [he]'s omniscient. How does [he] know there's nothing [he] doesn't know [he] doesn't know?