Unbelievers worship nature instead of the One who created nature. Created things prove that a creator created them, unless you can empty yourself of all common sense and embrace the sad pseudo science theory that "everything came from nothing", that defies logic
This is the stereotypical argument regarding "GOD" and whether or not this being exists - science vs "beliefs." Science looks for hard data to create a "belief" ... while beliefs jump over everything and just believe without looking at what data exists - it's really another way of saying "just take my word for it.".
Yes, science is looking into this, I would suggest starting with science based videos on the origin of cell life, understanding they have not as yet solved the problem, and go on from there.
MEANWHILE, there is sufficient data to expose this picture via religious history. I've brought this up in here before - monotheism never existed until the mid-1300s BC. The story goes on from there, including variations like Henotheism, but the idea is that there never was a lone / main "GOD" in beliefs until Akhenaton created it - and - the common people didn't like it.
I have no problem with "GOD" if such a being does exist ... however, all the historical information shows that this being was all made up. This does not negate the so-called "afterlife" place we all go to, as this has been researched too and proven to exist. We just need a cleared picture regarding what's going on.