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Does anyone here know anything about Romuva?


I am part Lithuanian and know that Romuva is an ethnic faith from Lithuania. I've done some searching and it very much interests me. Does anyone here know much about it? If so I have a couple questions.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I don't personally, but I knew someone on a different forum many years ago who claimed to be practicing the ethnic religion. I can neither confirm nor deny this person's association, so I'm cautious to relay any impressions I got from this person to others, lest I misinform.

I know that there is an active movement in Lithuania right now working to revive the indigenous Paganism of the land. This article regarding the death of one of the spearheading revivalists ran recently on the Wild Hunt, and the article has references and resources that might point you in some directions with better answers than I can provide.


Yes, Jonas Trinkunas... I actually had a short correspondence over email with him. He tolerated my bad Lithuanian and sent me a book and a CD with some traditional dainas on it. I was just going to start asking more questions/request some more information when the day came that he passed away. It's sad, he seemed really nice.

I know surface basics of the religion, but I was hoping maybe there was someone here who is an actual follower? I want to know more about actual practice.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
There aren't many Pagans on the boards, and none that follow this specific path that I know of. But I do not hear and see everything. :D

It's great that you had some correspondence with the gentleman before his passing. Looks like he was quite the man.