Whoa! First off, calm down! Secondly, don't put words in my mouth. I don't believe that God the Father and Jesus Christ are one and the same. I believe they are physically distinct from each other and that both of them have glorified, immortal bodies of flesh and bone. I believe they love each and every one of us and know us personally. I believe God hears and answers our prayers. I believe Jesus Christ atoned for my sins in Gethsemane and on Calvary, that He rose from the dead on the third day and stands today on the right hand of His Father. I never, ever, ever said "the Father has no body part or passions." I have never advocated a belief in the Trinity.
Cougarbear: Based on some of your comments, it did not sound like you believed totally in the separate Godhead.
I believe I understand our pre-mortal life every bit as well as you do. I know who I am (a spirit daughter of my Heavenly Father), why I'm here (to gain a physical body and to live in such a way that I can, through the grace of His Son and the support of the Holy Ghost, reach my full potential), where I come from (His presence) and where I'm going (back to His presence). My understanding of the Plan of Salvation is fundamental to how I live my life -- which I hope is with integrity and respect for all of God's children (even conservatives
Cougarbear: See above
Get off your self-righteous high horse, and stop calling me to repentance. There is a place for both liberals and conservatives in the Church. For you to assume that a Mormon with liberal leanings needs to "overcome" them is so judgmental, it's not even funny. If I were you, I'd start paying some serious attention to that beam in your eye. It's causing some significant problems with the way you see other people, especially your fellow Mormons. Each of us is unique, and I don't deserve your condemnation. My salvation is between me and God. It's not between me and my bishop, me and my stake president, or me and the prophet. And trust me -- your take on my worthiness is not going to enter into the equation
at all!
Cougarbear: For a long time, liberalism simply were those who believed in small government and the right to choose one's own path in life. But, for the past 100 years, progressivism (a nice name for socialism) has infiltrated into the left of center in the political realm. Today, we can see in our colleges and universities communist ideas based on Aulinsky and his "Rules for Radicals" has taken over. It's actually kind of a battle between communists and fascists. The liberals are now radicals pushing socialism which exists in Putin's Russia. So if you are a liberal, what kind of liberal are you because liberals of old are now conservatives and libertarians of the present?
I am not your brother. I am your sister -- a strong, intelligent LDS woman who isn't afraid to express her opinion and who doesn't take kindly to being talked down to.