If you feel compelled to preach to every person you come in contact with (including me), there's little I can do to stop you. I kind of like the approach St. Francis of Assisi took when he said, "Preach the gospel at all times. When necessary, use words." But then, what would he know? He wasn't either a Mormon or a Republican.
Cougarbear: So, you like Mr. Assisi's approach of "Preaching" all the time. Yet, when you hear it or see it, you don't approve if it has a specific topic like specific sins? Just because a GA gives a talk on one subject doesn't mean he doesn't believe or approve of other subjects. Again, Warning doesn't mean judging. However, being apathetic about the sinful nature of society around us I think is judgmental. In the wrong direction
I'm sorry if I pricked your conscience, Cougarbear, or if Elder Uchtdorf's statement did (because it is
exactly what we're talking about). I don't advocate sin, and I do my best not to sin, but as for other people's sins, I leave the judgment to God. Besides, I have found that when I start categorizing someone else's sins as being "major" and mine as being "minor," it gets me nowhere. I'm ashamed of a great many things I do, but never have I felt ashamed to be compassionate and loving and supportive of people who genuinely need compassion, love and support.