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Does God Really Have a Gender/Sex?

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
What the hell?

So Elohim (God) is a spirit being and he likes having spirit sex with a different species. And Satan is a spirit being who wants to have sex with his own kind?

Wouldn't we humans be like animals to God? That would make God into bestiality? Satan sounds more sane.

Hi Krill, you misunderstood. Elohim does not want to have relations with a different species, just the opposite sex. Why would you think otherwise and try to twist it into bestiality? There is one thing you should consider. Nature teaches us that the males compete for the right to be the Sire, and it is usually the result of a battle in which the strongest and most dominant male prevails. Elohim has earned that position through the suffering, death, burial, and third day resurrection of Yeshua, in His complete defeat of Satan. Those of us from the Believing ranks of mankind do choose Him to be our Mate, and we reject Satan in his defeat. So you see, we do have a kind of domination in choosing the One who will rule over us and give us life, even though He had to first choose us. And those who want to choose Satan and have sex with him will have no life and many diseases to suffer through, and the inbreeding results in weakness and death. KB


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
Sweet, who else disagrees with my interpretation? Man is like bacteria, it certainly spreads like it. I'd reckon the germination process is even the same.

LOL! Alright Orias, if you want to compare human sexuality to bacterial sexuality, "germination processes," and to God, here you go:

Sympathy for the life of bacteria
If you were bacteria:

  • You have 0.001 times as much DNA as a eukaryotic cell.
  • You live in a medium which has a viscosity about equal to asphalt.
  • You have a wonderful "motor" for swimming. Unfortunately, your motor can only run in two directions and at one speed. In forward, you are propelled in one direction at 30 mph. In reverse your motor makes you turn flips or tumble. You can only do one or the other. You cannot stop.
  • While you can "learn", you divide every twenty minutes and have to restart your education.
  • You can have sex, with males possessing a sexual apparatus for transferring genetic information to receptive females. However, since you are both going 30 mph it is difficult to find each other. Furthermore, if you are male, nature gave you a severe problem. Every time you mate with a female, she turns into a male. In bacteria, "maleness" is an infective venereal disease.
  • Also, at fairly high frequencies, spontaneous mutations cause you to turn into a female.
  • Eukaryotes have enslaved some of your "brethren" to use as energy generating mitochondria and chloroplasts. They are also using you as a tool in a massive effort to understand genetics. The method of recombinant DNA is designed to exploit you for their own good. There is no SPCA to protect you.
  • The last laugh may be yours. You have spent three and a half billion years practicing chemical warfare. Humans thought that antibiotics would end infectious diseases, but the overuse of drugs has resulted in the selection of drug resistant bacteria. They didn't realize that this was only the first battle, and now the war is ready to begin.
  • Humans think this is their era. A more truthful statement would be that we all live in the age of bacteria.


I like the part about "maleness" being an infective venereal disease. :D

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Hi Krill, you misunderstood. Elohim does not want to have relations with a different species, just the opposite sex. Why would you think otherwise and try to twist it into bestiality? There is one thing you should consider. Nature teaches us that the males compete for the right to be the Sire, and it is usually the result of a battle in which the strongest and most dominant male prevails. Elohim has earned that position through the suffering, death, burial, and third day resurrection of Yeshua, in His complete defeat of Satan. Those of us from the Believing ranks of mankind do choose Him to be our Mate, and we reject Satan in his defeat. So you see, we do have a kind of domination in choosing the One who will rule over us and give us life, even though He had to first choose us. And those who want to choose Satan and have sex with him will have no life and many diseases to suffer through, and the inbreeding results in weakness and death. KB

I asked you before what the name of the sect that teaches this is. I want some more information. This is certainly not mainstream Christianity. I do wish you will give me more information instead of ignoring my requests and ignoring my posts. That's pretty rude.

Sir Doom

Cooler than most of you
Omnipotent beings are 'ignorant' of necessity. They have every whim instantly validated. Thus, everything they do must be for aesthetic reasons. There is no other reason to do anything. So, that's why an omnipotent being (such as the Christian God) might have a gender. Because it likes it that way.

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
I asked you before what the name of the sect that teaches this is. I want some more information. This is certainly not mainstream Christianity. I do wish you will give me more information instead of ignoring my requests and ignoring my posts. That's pretty rude.

Hi SF, the sect that teaches this is mentioned of here:

Act 24:14 "But this I admit to you, that according to the Way which they call a sect I do serve the Elohim of our fathers, believing everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the Prophets;

And here:

Act 28:22 "But we desire to hear from you what your views are; for concerning this sect, it is known to us that it is spoken against everywhere."

Now SF, the sect that teaches this was attacked some 2000 years ago, and was totally destroyed, as not one living stone was left upon another (Luk 21:6, Joh 2:19-21, 1 Cor 3:17, Acts 20:29). That sect was the FIRST Witness to the One True Gospel, and they did not have websites back then. A SECOND Witness to the One True Gospel is arising from some exiles who are coming forth from confusion and are re-building the Temple of Elohim. The Foundation has been laid, but there is much opposition in completing the rest of the Building (Ezra 4:4). But take heart SF, The Temple will be re-built, and who knows, it may have a website. KB

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Hi SF, the sect that teaches this is mentioned of here:

Act 24:14 "But this I admit to you, that according to the Way which they call a sect I do serve the Elohim of our fathers, believing everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the Prophets;

And here:

Act 28:22 "But we desire to hear from you what your views are; for concerning this sect, it is known to us that it is spoken against everywhere."

Now SF, the sect that teaches this was attacked some 2000 years ago, and was totally destroyed, as not one living stone was left upon another (Luk 21:6, Joh 2:19-21, 1 Cor 3:17, Acts 20:29). That sect was the FIRST Witness to the One True Gospel, and they did not have websites back then. A SECOND Witness to the One True Gospel is arising from some exiles who are coming forth from confusion and are re-building the Temple of Elohim. The Foundation has been laid, but there is much opposition in completing the rest of the Building (Ezra 4:4). But take heart SF, The Temple will be re-built, and who knows, it may have a website. KB

That doesn't really answer my question but whatever...

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
That doesn't really answer my question but whatever...

Hi SF, if you have a specific question, go ahead and ask, otherwise, read my posts. You will find that I oppose traditional christianity and have some very unique beliefs. I also believe that Jews will become the TRUE believers in Messiah Yeshua, as the Gentiles time is up. Now where does that put you in your beliefs, I think between a Rock and a hard place. KB

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Hi SF, if you have a specific question, go ahead and ask, otherwise, read my posts. You will find that I oppose traditional christianity and have some very unique beliefs. I also believe that Jews will become the TRUE believers in Messiah Yeshua, as the Gentiles time is up. Now where does that put you in your beliefs, I think between a Rock and a hard place. KB

I would like to know more about your beliefs. What lead you to believe them and where did they come from? You use a lot of sexual metaphors for Yahweh, where did you find them in the Bible?

It doesn't put me anywhere. I'm fine.

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
I would like to know more about your beliefs. What lead you to believe them and where did they come from? You use a lot of sexual metaphors for Yahweh, where did you find them in the Bible?

It doesn't put me anywhere. I'm fine.

Hi SF, you seem to be a gentleman. Yahweh married two sisters and they agreed to have sex with Him, and Him only (Exo 24:7, Jer 7:23), but in the course of time, they decided to prostitute themselves to other gods (Jer 3:6-13), and be unfaithful to His bedroom. This is just a little of where I find them in the Bible. KB

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I'm sure that biological sex is not what is meant by God's sex. God can be masculine or feminine.


Jehovah our God is One
I want an equal. Marriage should be a democracy and not a dictatorship or a monarchy. I don't like being told what to do and I wouldn't want some weak-willed woman who does. I want a strong and independent human being to have a partnership with.

every ship has one captain and one 2nd mate. Every football team has one Captain and one vice captain. Every kitchen has one head chef, Why? Because you can't have two heads.... you need one head making the decisions and one to support them.

If you think its weakness to submit, I'd say you are wrong. It takes a very strong person to submit and women are stronger then men when it comes to submitting. ( that might explain why the nations and their male heads are always at war with each other, but thats another thread entirely )

Despite what you say, it was generally interpreted to mean that a woman should stay home, cook, clean and raise the kids. Women were not to have much or any say in life outside of that. They shouldn't be leaders at their church, they couldn't go to school, they couldn't vote and they couldn't have a career. Later on, they let them teach elementary and middle school classes because I guess they figured that the feeble-minded female could handle children of that age.

that may be mens views, but that view doesnt come from the bible or the God I worship. The bible praises women who reach out and do great things. There are many examples in the bible of women who were very influential and women who brought down kings and saved entire nations from being wiped out.

But that doesnt mean they have to act like men and try to take over the role of men in society. Men have a role to fill and so do women. When they work together the way they are supposed to (according to the bibles definition of the male/feminine roles) they can both fill their roles and do good for society.

I think its a mistake to take the feminist view as the only right view. Their view is that women should take the role of men in society. I think thats wrong and I wont join in with that wrong view.


Well-Known Member
I always found it funny the idea that Men have a role and Women have a role, as if those roles aren't defined by societies that change. It's even more interesting when you discover societies and cultures that exist that have women doing the supposed roles that men were supposed to do and vice versa.

As for God, well when God took human form and came to speak to Abraham he was a man, so I figure God must be male? Or has a penchant for male forms?