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Does God Really Have a Gender/Sex?


Well-Known Member
They were created to be the caretakers of their families. As the caretaker, they must ensure the wellbeing of their families. If they sit back and do nothing and expect the wife to handle everything, when something goes wrong he is held accountable because the role God assigned him was to be in that position of oversight. And if he fails to provide adequate oversight, he will be held accountable for that failure.

I don't get that from genesis. If man and woman were meant to live in a perfect world why would one be created to be the caretaker?
So the man gets blamed for the woman's mistake and gets blamed for his own mistakes against the family as well?


Jehovah our God is One
I don't get that from genesis. If man and woman were meant to live in a perfect world why would one be created to be the caretaker?
So the man gets blamed for the woman's mistake and gets blamed for his own mistakes against the family as well?

men and women have different dominating qualities. Have you read the book 'men are from mars women are from venus'? You should read it, its a great insight into the different natures between men and women.

women are nurturers and carers by nature. men prefer to explore, create and govern. Our natures are different but complementary. Have a look at this chart and see how our differences play out in the real world.


Who makes all our technology? Men or Women? Its men. They are designed for innovation. Women are designed differently, we have different interests. More women work in Health Welfare Retail and Education then men. We are designed to fit into different roles.


Well-Known Member
men and women have different dominating qualities. Have you read the book 'men are from mars women are from venus'? You should read it, its a great insight into the different natures between men and women.

women are nurturers and carers by nature. men prefer to explore, create and govern. Our natures are different but complementary. Have a look at this chart and see how our differences play out in the real world.

SuperDataHub View

Who makes all our technology? Men or Women? Its men. They are designed for innovation. Women are designed differently, we have different interests. More women work in Health Welfare Retail and Education then men. We are designed to fit into different roles.



Well-Known Member
men and women have different dominating qualities. Have you read the book 'men are from mars women are from venus'? You should read it, its a great insight into the different natures between men and women.

women are nurturers and carers by nature. men prefer to explore, create and govern. Our natures are different but complementary. Have a look at this chart and see how our differences play out in the real world.

SuperDataHub View

Who makes all our technology? Men or Women? Its men. They are designed for innovation. Women are designed differently, we have different interests. More women work in Health Welfare Retail and Education then men. We are designed to fit into different roles.

Ok nevermind


Well-Known Member
I wonder if this idea of women not doing the physical labor of men originates more from our understanding of royal families and nobles and not from what the actual life of a peasant was....


Triple Sun
men and women have different dominating qualities. Have you read the book 'men are from mars women are from venus'? You should read it, its a great insight into the different natures between men and women.

women are nurturers and carers by nature. men prefer to explore, create and govern. Our natures are different but complementary. Have a look at this chart and see how our differences play out in the real world.

SuperDataHub View

Who makes all our technology? Men or Women? Its men. They are designed for innovation. Women are designed differently, we have different interests. More women work in Health Welfare Retail and Education then men. We are designed to fit into different roles.

ah decades of feminists are rolling in their graves

all those dumb women..unable to innovate, that''s a man's job

oh puhlease



Triple Sun
I wonder if this idea of women not doing the physical labor of men originates more from our understanding of royal families and nobles and not from what the actual life of a peasant was....

nope literalistic right wing christianity, puritanism, yes its 19th century or earlier hogwash..... :shrug:


Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator
It sounds like a stupid question. I've sincerely asked this question to Christians who come up to me in real life, and they insist that God is male and the "Father." And they insist that God can't be a "mother," or female.

I've learned in basic junior high science class that to be male usually you need a Y + X Chromosome. To be a female usually you need a X + X chromosome. The first point is it seems that gender/sex differentiation is associated with biological components we call "chromosomes."

So my question is:

Being that God is a spirit person, or non-physical, or non-biological, does God have chromosomes? How is a spirit being to have a sex or gender? In all sincerity, if we say that God is a man and the father, does that mean he has male genitalia and vestigial nipples? And what good are those for? Conversely, if we say that such and such spirit or deity is a "Goddess," does that mean this Goddess has breasts, mammary glands, a uterus, fallopian tubes, and the rest of the stuff?

How does God have his gender? What gives a spirit thing sex or gender, and why would spirit beings need gender? To reproduce? To have sex? For cosmetic purposes?

If only we could find a reputable journalist to report on this "story" and lend some informed insight...

That person would, of course, have to get permanently dead first... then "resurrect" themselves, then provide really clear (likely HD) video labeled, hmmm, I dunno..."Under the Robe", or something similar...

...then we all would know for sure. :)

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
Hi Pegg, you hang in there. It is amazing how women try in vain to become men. I have been a carpenter for almost 30 years and have worked around construction sites all that time. Do you know how many women have "chosen" to work in construction on those sites that I have seen? Only a couple. And they had jobs that were not the strenuous "male" type jobs that I see. Why is it that women are not digging ditches with men, or framing up walls, or running heavy equipment? Are they being discriminated against? No, it is a matter of choice, and ability. Now, we can lower our standards, and make it so that only a certain diminished requirement be the norm (as we are doing in the military for combat), and then the weaker vessel can be PUSHED into those roles, thus making the stronger vessel weaker. KB


Well-Known Member
Hi Pegg, you hang in there. It is amazing how women try in vain to become men. I have been a carpenter for almost 30 years and have worked around construction sites all that time. Do you know how many women have "chosen" to work in construction on those sites that I have seen? Only a couple. And they had jobs that were not the strenuous "male" type jobs that I see. Why is it that women are not digging ditches with men, or framing up walls, or running heavy equipment? Are they being discriminated against? No, it is a matter of choice, and ability. Now, we can lower our standards, and make it so that only a certain diminished requirement be the norm (as we are doing in the military for combat), and then the weaker vessel can be PUSHED into those roles, thus making the stronger vessel weaker. KB

What do mean by the "weaker vessel?"

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
What do mean by the "weaker vessel?"

Hi Horrorble, the "weaker vessel" is the gender that cannot compete in the arena of sports or combat with the "stronger vessel." How many MMA fights have you seen where a woman competes with a man? How many women football players have you seen, or for that matter base ball players? Is it because of discrimination, or is it because of ability? Jackie Robinson showed it was discrimination with blacks, why doesn't a woman step up to the plate and show the same thing, instead of proving they are the "weaker vessel?"

Plus, you have this:

1Pe 3:7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.



Triple Sun
Hi Horrorble, the "weaker vessel" is the gender that cannot compete in the arena of sports or combat with the "stronger vessel." How many MMA fights have you seen where a woman competes with a man? How many women football players have you seen, or for that matter base ball players? Is it because of discrimination, or is it because of ability? Jackie Robinson showed it was discrimination with blacks, why doesn't a woman step up to the plate and show the same thing, instead of proving they are the "weaker vessel?"

Plus, you have this:

1Pe 3:7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.


why do women have smaller feet?

so they can fit under the kutchen sink easier


Well-Known Member
Hi Horrorble, the "weaker vessel" is the gender that cannot compete in the arena of sports or combat with the "stronger vessel." How many MMA fights have you seen where a woman competes with a man? How many women football players have you seen, or for that matter base ball players? Is it because of discrimination, or is it because of ability? Jackie Robinson showed it was discrimination with blacks, why doesn't a woman step up to the plate and show the same thing, instead of proving they are the "weaker vessel?"

Plus, you have this:

1Pe 3:7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.


So because men are generally stronger than women, you agree that men are from mars and women are from Venus? Does that seem sensible to you?


Well-Known Member
wait till they start telling you how Adam came first and eve was born of Adam

thus men are the head of the house as God made it that way......
(hello protestant literalism)

Then they need evidence outside the bible that it went down that way, but I have a different interpretation for that as well. Gender roles where not given by god until after the fall of man, if anything it's a punishment.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Hi Horrorble, the "weaker vessel" is the gender that cannot compete in the arena of sports or combat with the "stronger vessel." How many MMA fights have you seen where a woman competes with a man? How many women football players have you seen, or for that matter base ball players? Is it because of discrimination, or is it because of ability? Jackie Robinson showed it was discrimination with blacks, why doesn't a woman step up to the plate and show the same thing, instead of proving they are the "weaker vessel?"

Plus, you have this:

1Pe 3:7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.


I've seen it. I used to spar consistently in martial arts with men younger and taller and with more upper body strength and would win as much as them. I've also seen women spar against men in various grappling and MMA style fighting and utilize our superior lower body strength against men and find ways to defeat them.

The view that men are naturally better leaders, fighters, and governers is archaic. I suggest you come to my daughters dojo where she is a Black Belt in karate and can kick anybody's ***. Plus, the founder of the dojo is a woman who is a 7th degree Black Belt herself, and usually strikes fear into many hearts, female or male.

Oh, and my daughter is turning 15 on Monday and is around 5'3". I'm 4'11", and in my sparring, I have consistently flipped a man who was 6'4" over my shoulder. It's actually easier for smaller individuals to flip people over shoulders because it's not muscle, it's hip placement and positioning. With my hips lower than many others, I can throw others more easily than taller people who have to either crouch lower or grunt and muscle their way through.

Plus, smaller folks with superior lower body strength are more agile, have better dexterity, and can change direction and levels much more easily.

I contend after years of study and fighting and sparring that women have a lot of untapped potential to be great fighters, combat soldiers, and (by your example) competitive in professional sports with men. Different body proportions and mental strategies does not mean "better" or "worse", just different, but all together just as effective.

Your logic if put on the other shoe would show that when men get more involved in child care or housework or teaching children or nursing that suddenly these pasttimes and professions would become more aggressive, rough around the edges, and harsh (given the archaic view that women are unable to protect themselves or use force to protect others). Child care is child care, and it can be demonstrated by either gender in great capacity. Same with combat and with sports.

BTW, I also regularly train with not just martial artists, but former special forces personnel who are privately employed now in various security capacities. Not once have they ever once discouraged me or any other woman from training or pursuing combat training or goals. And not once have they ever mentioned that a woman can't or shouldn't do what they have done or did. I've in fact been invited repeatedly to go through drills in guerrilla warfare with high-grade weaponry and explosives. I have only chosen not to because....why?.....I'm running a business and acting as a leader to my staff made up of men and women.

Have you seen a female animal ready to protect her babies? From anything, including other males and other predators? Humans are the same way....don't mess with a woman's children, because she will throw down, lift cars, run into burning buildings, etc. with as much fury and determination as any man.


Well-Known Member
I've seen it. I used to spar consistently in martial arts with men younger and taller and with more upper body strength and would win as much as them. I've also seen women spar against men in various grappling and MMA style fighting and utilize our superior lower body strength against men and find ways to defeat them.

The view that men are naturally better leaders, fighters, and governers is archaic. I suggest you come to my daughters dojo where she is a Black Belt in karate and can kick anybody's ***. Plus, the founder of the dojo is a woman who is a 7th degree Black Belt herself, and usually strikes fear into many hearts, female or male.

Oh, and my daughter is turning 15 on Monday and is around 5'3". I'm 4'11", and in my sparring, I have consistently flipped a man who was 6'4" over my shoulder. It's actually easier for smaller individuals to flip people over shoulders because it's not muscle, it's hip placement and positioning. With my hips lower than many others, I can throw others more easily than taller people who have to either crouch lower or grunt and muscle their way through.

Plus, smaller folks with superior lower body strength are more agile, have better dexterity, and can change direction and levels much more easily.

I contend after years of study and fighting and sparring that women have a lot of untapped potential to be great fighters, combat soldiers, and (by your example) competitive in professional sports with men. Different body proportions and mental strategies does not mean "better" or "worse", just different, but all together just as effective.

Your logic if put on the other shoe would show that when men get more involved in child care or housework or teaching children or nursing that suddenly these pasttimes and professions would become more aggressive, rough around the edges, and harsh (given the archaic view that women are unable to protect themselves or use force to protect others). Child care is child care, and it can be demonstrated by either gender in great capacity. Same with combat and with sports.

BTW, I also regularly train with not just martial artists, but former special forces personnel who are privately employed now in various security capacities. Not once have they ever once discouraged me or any other woman from training or pursuing combat training or goals. And not once have they ever mentioned that a woman can't or shouldn't do what they have done or did. I've in fact been invited repeatedly to go through drills in guerrilla warfare with high-grade weaponry and explosives. I have only chosen not to because....why?.....I'm running a business and acting as a leader to my staff made up of men and women.

Have you seen a female animal ready to protect her babies? From anything, including other males and other predators? Humans are the same way....don't mess with a woman's children, because she will throw down, lift cars, run into burning buildings, etc. with as much fury and determination as any man.

You go girl!!!


Well-Known Member
I really don't understand this mentality that women are worse at leading then men, I've only had a father for 6 years, my mum has lead the house hold by herself for many years, even when he had a breakdown she still handled business!
And yes she would throw you down if you messed with her kids, all those years of carrying shopping built her some arms.

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
I've seen it. I used to spar consistently in martial arts with men younger and taller and with more upper body strength and would win as much as them. I've also seen women spar against men in various grappling and MMA style fighting and utilize our superior lower body strength against men and find ways to defeat them.

The view that men are naturally better leaders, fighters, and governers is archaic. I suggest you come to my daughters dojo where she is a Black Belt in karate and can kick anybody's ***. Plus, the founder of the dojo is a woman who is a 7th degree Black Belt herself, and usually strikes fear into many hearts, female or male.

Oh, and my daughter is turning 15 on Monday and is around 5'3". I'm 4'11", and in my sparring, I have consistently flipped a man who was 6'4" over my shoulder. It's actually easier for smaller individuals to flip people over shoulders because it's not muscle, it's hip placement and positioning. With my hips lower than many others, I can throw others more easily than taller people who have to either crouch lower or grunt and muscle their way through.

Plus, smaller folks with superior lower body strength are more agile, have better dexterity, and can change direction and levels much more easily.

I contend after years of study and fighting and sparring that women have a lot of untapped potential to be great fighters, combat soldiers, and (by your example) competitive in professional sports with men. Different body proportions and mental strategies does not mean "better" or "worse", just different, but all together just as effective.

Your logic if put on the other shoe would show that when men get more involved in child care or housework or teaching children or nursing that suddenly these pasttimes and professions would become more aggressive, rough around the edges, and harsh (given the archaic view that women are unable to protect themselves or use force to protect others). Child care is child care, and it can be demonstrated by either gender in great capacity. Same with combat and with sports.

BTW, I also regularly train with not just martial artists, but former special forces personnel who are privately employed now in various security capacities. Not once have they ever once discouraged me or any other woman from training or pursuing combat training or goals. And not once have they ever mentioned that a woman can't or shouldn't do what they have done or did. I've in fact been invited repeatedly to go through drills in guerrilla warfare with high-grade weaponry and explosives. I have only chosen not to because....why?.....I'm running a business and acting as a leader to my staff made up of men and women.

Have you seen a female animal ready to protect her babies? From anything, including other males and other predators? Humans are the same way....don't mess with a woman's children, because she will throw down, lift cars, run into burning buildings, etc. with as much fury and determination as any man.

Hi MysticSang'ha, again I ask, why no MMA women fighting MMA men. Why no women boxers fighting men boxers? Why no women playing professional baseball, basketball, or football on men's teams? Do you want to know why? It is because women are the "weaker vessel," and cannot compete at those elevated levels as do their male counterparts. You know, I could maybe agree with you if say 10% of those previously stated sports were integrated with women, but there are 0% of women competing with men in those areas. So please, understand that women are the "weaker vessel."

Another note to make is that usually women are the victim of spousal abuse, instead of the one inflicting the abuse as the "stronger vessel." If women were not the "weaker vessel," there were be much fewer cases of "wife beating," and many more cases of "husband beating."

Finally, our military is changing the qualifications for combat so that the standards will be lowered to make it more fair for women. If women are not the "weaker vessel," why lower the standards? KB