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Does ignorance lead to insanity?

Jeremiah Ames

Well-Known Member
When does ignorance become insanity?

I understand how millions of people can be completely ignorant of any reality. Witness the last presidential election in the US. Anyway, ignorance is not bad, as long as you don’t purposely try to remain so

The ignorant voted in a narcissist who has and will continue to enable the party from hell (literally) to steal from the poorest 90% virtually all they have left. I believe that their ignorance comes from blindness, and that blindness is a willful choice.

Sufficient evidence has arisen since that election to show any thinking person, that something is wrong. Not that there wasn’t sufficient evidence prior to the election. :rolleyes: Yet the ignorant continue to purposefully blind themselves and carry on in their ignorance, because of an agenda of evil. More war, more guns, more hate directed at certain groups of humans, and more theft.

There are mountains of evidence showing clearly that the party from hell is only concerned with stealing all the wealth from the middle class and poor and trickling it up to the vastly wealthy few. This has been going on since Reagan, but the ignorant continue to bury their heads in the sand. The middle class which really DID make America great has been nearly eliminated in the past few decades, and this has only accelerated since the past election.

I submit that the ignorant ones who continue to vote for the same demons over and over while expecting a different result should now be labeled as insane.

Ignorant people eventually become stupid when they disregard all facts in order to dig in and entrench themselves in an agenda from hell. But that stupidity was evidenced during the previous 4 elections. Now that we can clearly see that their agenda is the complete abandonment of most segments of society, and the complete giveaway of all wealth to the corporations and the obscenely rich, anyone who clings to this party from hell can only be considered insane, at this point.

For crying out loud, why not make a new party? Call it the Uninsane party. A few good planks, like taking care of the poor, sick and elderly? Like cutting the death and destruction (defense) budget by about 90%? Like no more moral regulation crap? Like no more massive trickle up schemes? Like outlawing lobbyists?

You know, the things a guy like Jesus could get behind.

**This opinion is only that of the author and does not represent the views of this website, or the views of any of the insane. Also, the mention of hell and Jesus might be considered religious by some, but this is a religious forum, so get over it.


Chibi Lilith
I didn't really have a horse in the last race because I didn't see the opponent as any better.


Premium Member
When does ignorance become insanity?

I understand how millions of people can be completely ignorant of any reality. Witness the last presidential election in the US. Anyway, ignorance is not bad, as long as you don’t purposely try to remain so

The ignorant voted in a narcissist who has and will continue to enable the party from hell (literally) to steal from the poorest 90% virtually all they have left. I believe that their ignorance comes from blindness, and that blindness is a willful choice.

Sufficient evidence has arisen since that election to show any thinking person, that something is wrong. Not that there wasn’t sufficient evidence prior to the election. :rolleyes: Yet the ignorant continue to purposefully blind themselves and carry on in their ignorance, because of an agenda of evil. More war, more guns, more hate directed at certain groups of humans, and more theft.

There are mountains of evidence showing clearly that the party from hell is only concerned with stealing all the wealth from the middle class and poor and trickling it up to the vastly wealthy few. This has been going on since Reagan, but the ignorant continue to bury their heads in the sand. The middle class which really DID make America great has been nearly eliminated in the past few decades, and this has only accelerated since the past election.

I submit that the ignorant ones who continue to vote for the same demons over and over while expecting a different result should now be labeled as insane.

Ignorant people eventually become stupid when they disregard all facts in order to dig in and entrench themselves in an agenda from hell. But that stupidity was evidenced during the previous 4 elections. Now that we can clearly see that their agenda is the complete abandonment of most segments of society, and the complete giveaway of all wealth to the corporations and the obscenely rich, anyone who clings to this party from hell can only be considered insane, at this point.

For crying out loud, why not make a new party? Call it the Uninsane party. A few good planks, like taking care of the poor, sick and elderly? Like cutting the death and destruction (defense) budget by about 90%? Like no more moral regulation crap? Like no more massive trickle up schemes? Like outlawing lobbyists?

You know, the things a guy like Jesus could get behind.

**This opinion is only that of the author and does not represent the views of this website, or the views of any of the insane. Also, the mention of hell and Jesus might be considered religious by some, but this is a religious forum, so get over it.
Sure but they drained the swamp and are lowering the national debt by putting another 1.3 trillion dollars on the books!!! I mean if your going to be number one in something it should be highest percentage of population in prisons and military spending. Also why do you think spending more on military than the next eight nations combined is a lot? LOL


What? Me worry?
When does ignorance become insanity?

I understand how millions of people can be completely ignorant of any reality. Witness the last presidential election in the US. Anyway, ignorance is not bad, as long as you don’t purposely try to remain so

The ignorant voted in a narcissist who has and will continue to enable the party from hell (literally) to steal from the poorest 90% virtually all they have left. I believe that their ignorance comes from blindness, and that blindness is a willful choice.

Sufficient evidence has arisen since that election to show any thinking person, that something is wrong. Not that there wasn’t sufficient evidence prior to the election. :rolleyes: Yet the ignorant continue to purposefully blind themselves and carry on in their ignorance, because of an agenda of evil. More war, more guns, more hate directed at certain groups of humans, and more theft.

There are mountains of evidence showing clearly that the party from hell is only concerned with stealing all the wealth from the middle class and poor and trickling it up to the vastly wealthy few. This has been going on since Reagan, but the ignorant continue to bury their heads in the sand. The middle class which really DID make America great has been nearly eliminated in the past few decades, and this has only accelerated since the past election.

I submit that the ignorant ones who continue to vote for the same demons over and over while expecting a different result should now be labeled as insane.

Ignorant people eventually become stupid when they disregard all facts in order to dig in and entrench themselves in an agenda from hell. But that stupidity was evidenced during the previous 4 elections. Now that we can clearly see that their agenda is the complete abandonment of most segments of society, and the complete giveaway of all wealth to the corporations and the obscenely rich, anyone who clings to this party from hell can only be considered insane, at this point.

For crying out loud, why not make a new party? Call it the Uninsane party. A few good planks, like taking care of the poor, sick and elderly? Like cutting the death and destruction (defense) budget by about 90%? Like no more moral regulation crap? Like no more massive trickle up schemes? Like outlawing lobbyists?

You know, the things a guy like Jesus could get behind.

**This opinion is only that of the author and does not represent the views of this website, or the views of any of the insane. Also, the mention of hell and Jesus might be considered religious by some, but this is a religious forum, so get over it.

Obviously you have come very close to defining your own answer.


Premium Member
Obviously you have come very close to defining your own answer.
I think he used Einsteins definition. Seeing how majority of folks are independent but elections just go back and forth year after year between Dem and Repub, US might be nuts.

Buddha Dharma

Dharma Practitioner
@Gerry in Buddhism ignorance is the root of all evil. That actually does include intentional ignorance, as often held in prejudices against others. That's aversion, one of the three chief poisons.

Ignorance is never ultimately good. The long-term consequences outweigh any immediate benefit.


Veteran Member
When does ignorance become insanity?

I understand how millions of people can be completely ignorant of any reality. Witness the last presidential election in the US. Anyway, ignorance is not bad, as long as you don’t purposely try to remain so

The ignorant voted in a narcissist who has and will continue to enable the party from hell (literally) to steal from the poorest 90% virtually all they have left. I believe that their ignorance comes from blindness, and that blindness is a willful choice.

Sufficient evidence has arisen since that election to show any thinking person, that something is wrong. Not that there wasn’t sufficient evidence prior to the election. :rolleyes: Yet the ignorant continue to purposefully blind themselves and carry on in their ignorance, because of an agenda of evil. More war, more guns, more hate directed at certain groups of humans, and more theft.

There are mountains of evidence showing clearly that the party from hell is only concerned with stealing all the wealth from the middle class and poor and trickling it up to the vastly wealthy few. This has been going on since Reagan, but the ignorant continue to bury their heads in the sand. The middle class which really DID make America great has been nearly eliminated in the past few decades, and this has only accelerated since the past election.

I submit that the ignorant ones who continue to vote for the same demons over and over while expecting a different result should now be labeled as insane.

Ignorant people eventually become stupid when they disregard all facts in order to dig in and entrench themselves in an agenda from hell. But that stupidity was evidenced during the previous 4 elections. Now that we can clearly see that their agenda is the complete abandonment of most segments of society, and the complete giveaway of all wealth to the corporations and the obscenely rich, anyone who clings to this party from hell can only be considered insane, at this point.

For crying out loud, why not make a new party? Call it the Uninsane party. A few good planks, like taking care of the poor, sick and elderly? Like cutting the death and destruction (defense) budget by about 90%? Like no more moral regulation crap? Like no more massive trickle up schemes? Like outlawing lobbyists?

You know, the things a guy like Jesus could get behind.

**This opinion is only that of the author and does not represent the views of this website, or the views of any of the insane. Also, the mention of hell and Jesus might be considered religious by some, but this is a religious forum, so get over it.

Hillary Clinton or Trump...

If you could hook them up to a narcissist gauge,
who would get the higher score?

They both make me ill. Honestly, people in America!

Those are the best you can do?


Chibi Lilith
Hillary Clinton or Trump...

If you could hook them up to a narcissist gauge,
who would get the higher score?

They both make me ill. Honestly, people in America!

Those are the best you can do?

.......It's not our fault :(

.....The voters don't get to choose who wins the primaries and the government is dominated by two powerful and corrupt political parties....


Veteran Member
.......It's not our fault :(

.....The voters don't get to choose who wins the primaries and the government is dominated by two powerful and corrupt political parties....

Yeah.. it is everybody's fault, so it is nobody's fault.

I dont have a clue how to ever fix it.

Jeremiah Ames

Well-Known Member
Hillary Clinton or Trump...

If you could hook them up to a narcissist gauge,
who would get the higher score?

They both make me ill. Honestly, people in America!

Those are the best you can do?

For those people with a limited intellect (only able to handle the decision between 2) then they should have used their limited intellect to determine which of the two evils was lesser:

Choose the one who will help all Americans while helping herself.
Or choose the one who is only capable of helping himself.

By the way, there were other candidates, for the very few of us who can count past 2.:p


Well-Known Member
Ignorance looks a lot like a sort if insanity to those who see the ignorance. And then wisdom looks like insanity to the ignorant.

The two don't mix well.

But Trump may be narcissistic but he is not a narcissist in medical terms.

No, you couldn't have expected the people to do the right thing.

Does anyone else think the fact that America was left with just two options both equally terrible may have been something for which some people saw a lot of trouble for?