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Does Like Attract Like?


I'm back!
whoa lightkeeper! your on a roll creating threads.

i dont know. i haven been in a sexual or romantic boyfriendy relationship in this life. i think its beyond the physical, cuz there are same sex relationsihps.

it has to do with personality. personally, i thin i would be interestined in a guy who was in the arts and painting and well, was hindu or indian at least. or i would probably be interested learning about someone opposite me, but would i go out ? i dont know...


I think that in a relationship there have to be some similarities, but if you find your twin emotionally you'll never have anything to talk about. When my boyfriend and I first started dating, we shared an interest in rock music- and that was it. At the time I was strongly Pagan, and he was (somewhat strongly) Catholic. He liked horror movies, and I enjoyed romantic comedy and action. He was a computer person, and I was a bookworm. Although we still hold our unique interests, we've taught each other a lot and have morphed into a couple who enjoys a little bit of everything. Even our religious views have morphed together- we're now a mix of Paganism and Catholicism. I think if I had met him and found that we had quite a bit in common we would have ended up as good friends, but we wouldn't have made it to the over five year relationship we have today.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
I would have to quote the variation on Murphy's law:

There are two types of dirt in this world. The light colored dirt, that is attracted to clean dark shirts, and the dark colored dirt, that is attracted to clean light shirts.



De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I've heard that couples become more like each other over time. Aside from that, I have never understood this question of whether like attracts like or whether opposites attract. My brain freezes when asked such a question. I think the mechanics of attraction must be a mystery to me.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
lol Maybe that's also why I have such a hard problem with this question, Gerani... I too keep thinking of magnets, electricity.... :)


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Rex_Admin said:
I think both happens.
I agree with Rex. If anything, my experience is that both are true. Maybe that's what confuses me about the question... it seems to imply that only one side of it is true, whereas in my experience like sometimes attracts like and opposites sometimes are attracted to each other too. There must be some deeper explanation for attraction!