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Does Porn Lead to Rape?


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Based on what Ted Bundy said then yes its true.

A few questions:

- How is what Ted Bundy says is evidence outside of anecdotal?
- What did he say? Do you have a quote from him or a series of quotes?
- What else can be corroborated with your claim?
- How in Ted Bundy's case specifically link does it porn with rape?


Well-Known Member
I'm under the impression Bundy was trying to BS his way out of the death penalty by blaming his crimes on porn, rather than take full responsibility for them. What do you think?

Well see thats the thing, Its hard to believe Bundy was telling the truth, He could have been telling the truth. I almost believe him.


رسول الآلهة
In a way it could. Statistics have been done to provide evidence that the new availability of porn has altered men's perception of sex and relationships.

Considering this this perception is ENTIRELY unrealistic it could lead to rape but I would think that one would have to be prone to this before hand. It is like saying violent movies lead to violent behavior.

Pornography no doubt inspires the behaviors in rape but not the cause it would seem. No different then how Chinese romances inspire my 'romantic' quirks :D


Well-Known Member
A few questions:

- How is what Ted Bundy says is evidence outside of anecdotal?
- What did he say? Do you have a quote from him or a series of quotes?
- What else can be corroborated with your claim?
- How in Ted Bundy's case specifically link does it porn with rape?

Ted Bundy did state during his final interview hours before his execution this, This was his response from How would your life have been without the influence of porn?

Ted Bundys response, " I am sure it would have been a lot better, not just for me but for a lot of people, the victims, the family, I am certain it would not have included this kind of violence”. That was from his last interview Fatal Addiction.

It is not concrete evidence what Ted Bundy said, but He did say it. He was desperate, maybe He was telling the truth?

If not for this reason, Why else would have Ted Bundy killed? What do you think was the reason?


Depends Upon My Mood..
Considering this this perception is ENTIRELY unrealistic it could lead to rape but I would think that one would have to be prone to this before hand.

So in a sense (if Im reading right) you are saying porn is more of a "trigger" for rape rather than porn " creates" a rapist?


Depends Upon My Mood..
Ted Bundy did state during his final interview hours before his execution this, This was his response from How would your life have been without the influence of porn?

Ted Bundys response, " I am sure it would have been a lot better, not just for me but for a lot of people, the victims, the family, I am certain it would not have included this kind of violence”. That was from his last interview Fatal Addiction.

It is not concrete evidence what Ted Bundy said, but He did say it. He was desperate, maybe He was telling the truth?

If not for this reason, Why else would have Ted Bundy killed? What do you think was the reason?

Ted Bundy wasn't "
just a rapist" though..he had no respect for life .He was a serial killer/rapist.


Depends Upon My Mood..
What was Ted Bundy "desperate " for? Ted Bundy IMHO had a deep hatred that he directed at women..My understanding is he had a great career and a GF.(sex available) .He was desperate for some sort of "power" he could only satiate through rape and murder..(playing God)..


Well-Known Member
What was Ted Bundy "desperate " for? Ted Bundy IMHO had a deep hatred that he directed at women..My understanding is he had a great career and a GF.(sex available) .He was desperate for some sort of "power" he could only satiate through rape and murder..(playing God)..

Well I mean, I don't know for sure why Ted killed, He was desperate for Power I agree. He loved control over women, I don't know for sure why. There has to be some sort of sexual aspect he was desperate for I believe. His crimes were just to sexuliazed.


Well-Known Member
There was actually a case of, A teen killing his mom and trying to kill his dad over a violent video game.

Well then, there we have it: violent video games lead to murder. :sarcastic

Funnily enough, the first video game that I was truly hooked on as a kid was a dark RTS game where the play-style options available to you were rather sadistic, in the efforts of maintaining an underground "empire" with subterranean creatures, the player could:

* Routinely physically abuse his own creatures.
* Torture both friendly and hostile creatures to death in Torture Chambers.
* Torture hostile prisoners for information regarding the enemy's activities.
* Starve prisoners to death in order to raise Skeleton warriors.
* Neglect one's own creatures of their basic life-sustaining necessities: food, sleep, happiness etc.
* Overwork his own creatures to the point of death.
* Sacrifice creatures in "rituals" by drowning, in order to please "the Gods" and gain other supernatural advantages.
* Manipulate your own creature's emotional states in order to make them kill each other.

I could go on. Not to mention I also enjoyed Half-Life, Grand Theft Auto games, and still every now and then play the odd RTS war game, involving large armies killing each other in order to control territory, usually with rather graphic death animations involving plenty of gibs flying around, and blood-spatter (Dawn of War series, for example).

How did I turn out? I'm a massive wimp. Philosophically, I do not believe in feeding the cycle of violence, I am very much opposed to military conflicts, I don't get involved in fights, I don't believe people have a right to dominate others. I don't even like seeing insects be squished. :cover:

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Well-Known Member

I agree.

I'm going to play a bit of Devil's Advocate here, and suggest that while the people who consider rape an act of violence - and not sex - may also consider porn to not depict sex, but rather violence via the sexual exploitation of women.

Therefore perhaps their question may be whether or not what people consider violent porn (which may be porn in general to some) leads to rape?


High Priest of Cynicism
If I watch porn, it triggers a reaction that, 15 seconds later, leaves me incapable of rape.

Rape is about power, not sex.
One of the other forums I post on has an oft-used acronym: ITYFIABMCTT - "I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that"

Personal opinions aside, is there any scientific evidence for the contention that pornography leads to rape? If so, what is the evidence? And is the evidence compelling?
rape pornography correlation - Google Scholar

In the first few articles that I looked at (well, the conclusions, anyway), there does seem to be an influence on a behaviour for what might be termed the "high risk" group: this one for example, showing a marked increase in sexual aggression for approx. 12% of the high risk group (which was in turn 7% of the sample); but no measurable increase in sexual aggression for the majority of the sample, irrespective of frequency of use of pornography.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member

I'm going to play a bit of Devil's Advocate here, and suggest that while the people who consider rape an act of violence - and not sex - may also consider porn to not depict sex, but rather violence via the sexual exploitation of women.

Therefore perhaps their question may be whether or not what people consider violent porn (which may be porn in general to some) leads to rape?

I'm not following. :confused: