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Does Religion Improve Wellness?

Does religious belief or practice improve psychological health and wellness?

  • Total voters


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Does religious belief or practice improve a person's psychological health and wellness? If so, how? If not, why not?


Well-Known Member
It can be very beneficial, and in some instances not. It depends on the person, the believer themselves.


Veteran Member
It depends on the religon, the practioner and whether or not they actually practice what they preach. In most cases, I would yes, religion does improve wellness in some areas of ones life.


God's Nephew
I think religion can impove wellness because of one's feeling connected to a larger community. When one feels a part of something, he (or she) feels better about themselves which in turn improves their health and well being.


I think religion that is enlightened religion can improve "psychological health and wellness"...there are some religious views that I would say are not as conducive to psychological health and by that I means those that are focused on sin...original sin and what Calvin called total depravity...

In terms of wellness I think most religions favour some form of spiritual healing through prayer or meditation and can be benficial.

- Art


Well, I don't know about the wellness, but if you do believe in certain religion, you're spiritual level is going up and you'll learn it something in this lifetime.....


Veteran Member
Sunstone said:
Does religious belief or practice improve a person's psychological health and wellness? If so, how? If not, why not?
I don't believe that it does, in many cases.

Before coming to RF, I spent a lot of time on a similar discussion site but that is populated by a lot of conservative Christian fundamentalist-type religionists, and one of the things I noticed, there, was that they seem to be plagued by an inordinate amount of physical illnesses. It was always my suspicion that some of that ill physical health was due to what I considered their unhealthy view of God, their fellow humans, and reality in general.

I realize that their religion does not represent all religion, but they did hold to their religious beliefs, fiercely, and dogmatically, so I do think they represent the need for religion to some degree.


Veteran Member
Sunstone said:
Does religious belief or practice improve a person's psychological health and wellness? If so, how? If not, why not?
If you want to add physical health and longevity to your list, more than one study claims practicing a religion can add years to your life.......I've seen other studies claim you can add up to 14 years to your life expectancy by church attendance.

"There are many things you can do to increase your life expectancy: exercise, eat well, take your medication and ... go to church.
A new study finds people who attend religious services weekly live longer. Specifically, the research looked at how many years are added to life expectancy based on:
  • Regular physical exercise: 3.0-to-5.1 years
  • Proven therapeutic regimens: 2.1-to-3.7 years
  • Regular religious attendance: 1.8-to-3.1 years"


Active Member
Yes, if you do it correctly.

You need a healthy diet for a healthy body, you need to read (among other things) to exercise your mind, you need God to have a healthy soul.


Student Nurse
If the religion teaches you to live a healthy life that you wouldn't otherwise had lived then it can be beneficial. Like for instance the LDS word of wisdom that teaches not to drink, smoke, or do drugs. I still pracice most of it, except for coffie. Haven't had any major illness except for some acid reflux, probably caused by all the coffie I drink. :eek:wl:


Well-Known Member
In some form, the old saying "mind over body" may show that belief in healing through prayer brings wellness.

But there is also the flip side where religion can cause physical issues, especially if one has to deal with a family member or spouse who has an alternate belief system which causes relations to break down, since it is medically proven that stress and anxiety can cause physical problems.


I voted "other or depends" because its really up to the person. I agree with Fatman, and would like to add that a person with an alternate religious belief could face stress or anxiety if he/she lives in a community which is not friendly to that particular belief.