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Does the Bible justify war?


Well-Known Member
REGARDLESS of what the Bible did or didn't command, IOV it has since been superceded by newer scripture whose statements on the subject are quote clear!:

“O people of the earth!
“The first Glad-Tidings which the Mother Book hath, in this Most Great Revelation, imparted to all the peoples of the world is that the law of holy war hath been blotted out from the Book. Glorified be the All-Merciful, the Lord of grace abounding, through Whom the door of heavenly bounty hath been flung open in the face of all that are in Heaven and on earth.
“The second Glad-Tidings . . .”
--Tablets of Baha’u’llah, pp. 21-22

“Beware lest ye shed the blood of anyone. Unsheathe the sword of your tongue from the scabbard of utterance, for therewith ye can conquer the citadels of men’s hearts. We have abolished the law to wage holy war against each other. God’s mercy, hath, verily, encompassed all created things, if ye do but understand. Aid ye your Lord, the God of Mercy, with the sword of understanding. Keener indeed is it, and more finely tempered, than the sword of utterance, were ye but to reflect upon the words of your Lord. Thus have the hosts of Divine Revelation been sent down by God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting, and thus have the armies of divine inspiration been made manifest from the Source of command, as bidden by God, the All-Glorious, the Best-Beloved.”
--The Summons of the Lord of Hosts, p 23; also
Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p. 25.

Peace, :)



Descent with modification
People and politics justify war

Right, people and politics...AKA Religion. Have you seen the absolute carnage that the Catholic church perpetrated throughout the past centuries? Or the men who flew those airliners into our towers? It was all MOTIVATED by religion. If you want decent people to do evil things just make them religious. If you have a group of people who accept, without question or demand of proof, an obviously man made book, and quote passages from it to justify their savagery, you have a group of people who will do anything you tell them to do.


I don't think it's that easy. You're asking the wrong question. Some texts justify war. Some don't. The overall message (if, indeed, there is one) points more to pacifism than war.

That's just picking and choosing. The fact is, there are parts of the Bible the promote war and there are parts that don't. You can't just arbitrarily choose the parts that you like and say that it has an overall message which contains only the good parts and ignores the rest.
