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Does The Soul Have Gender?


I'm back!


i quote from the gita:

Wornout garments
Are shed by the body:
Worn out bodies
Are shed by the dweller
Within the body.
New bodies are donned
By the dweller, like garments.

Not wounded by weapons,
Not burned by fire,
Not dried by the wind,
Not wetted by water:
Such is the atman (soul).

~Chapter two. i got this edition of the gita from barnes and noble.

the soul dons a body as a guy wears a shirt.

my point is, that the body is the only thing that has gender and sexuality. the soul transends it.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Gerani1248 said:
my point is, that the body is the only thing that has gender and sexuality. the soul transends it.

Good answer. Much like God is genderless, possessing both yet neither.


Well-Known Member
Dust formed from the Earth + the breath/Ruach/spirit = SOUL/living creature
Male and female he created them, then from the side of man he took woman.
Ec. 12:7 says the dust will return to dust and the spirit/breath will return to God who gave it. Man will breath out at death and the body will return to dust as it was.
Gnostic Greek gives us the ungodly imortal soul. (Never God breathed.)


Well-Known Member
Then there was Carl Jung's theory and maybe someone else can explain it better than I can. He talked of the animus and anima. These being soul. These are guides to the inner world. The woman has a male guide and the man has a female guide. If you have a problem with the opposite gender you can become neurotic, you will have a problem individuating or reaching full potential.


Are the Angels 'male' & 'female' in their nature? If they are, can they marry each other? The answer scripture gives is that they are neither male nor female in their nature, because if they were, they would be sexually attracted to each other and they would need to be married. (1 Cor. 7:9) Jesus said; "For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven." (Mt.22:30)

The scriptures mention 'he' and gives the idea that God does and says things in a 'female' way in some passages. This is the only way that we can comprehend the supreme being, and this is how God relates to us through 'his' word.


Well-Known Member
I think Jung was using anima and animus to refer to the male and female elements of the psyche, not the soul. Though of course I could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
Yes, but Jung was a psychologist, as I recall, not a theologian. More likely he was using the Latin term and applying it to the psyche, rather than literally speaking about the soul.

Do a google search on Jung + anima + animus. You get results that lean towards a psychological use of the terms rather than a religious one.

I found this description about Jung repeated (in various forms) on most of the websites: "The animus is the masculine side of the female and the anima is the feminine side of the male. This expands on Freud's writings that we are all born bisexual and develop normal sexual attraction through our psychosexual development. According to Jung, we all have an unconscious opposite gender hidden within us and the role of this archetype is to guide us toward the perfect mate. In other words, we project our animus/anima onto others as they project theirs onto us. When a match is made, we have found a suitable partner."

Definitely elements of the psyche rather than the soul.

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
There is no gender in the soul. There is however the indication of which gender the soul manifests. But the soul embraces a gender but is not bound by it. Gender and sex is only for physical beings. The soul is life, not gender. And yes, trees and animals and insects etc.. all have souls.


Well-Known Member
Runt said:
Yes, but Jung was a psychologist, as I recall, not a theologian. More likely he was using the Latin term and applying it to the psyche, rather than literally speaking about the soul.

Do a google search on Jung + anima + animus. You get results that lean towards a psychological use of the terms rather than a religious one.

I found this description about Jung repeated (in various forms) on most of the websites: "The animus is the masculine side of the female and the anima is the feminine side of the male. This expands on Freud's writings that we are all born bisexual and develop normal sexual attraction through our psychosexual development. According to Jung, we all have an unconscious opposite gender hidden within us and the role of this archetype is to guide us toward the perfect mate. In other words, we project our animus/anima onto others as they project theirs onto us. When a match is made, we have found a suitable partner."

Definitely elements of the psyche rather than the soul.

You have to take it to a much deeper level. When the psyche is in order so is your soul. Jung's definition of Anima is "soul-image."