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Does your tradition allow for the payment of people for their 'spirituality'?


World Leader Pretend
FeathersinHair said:
We had a person join the Yahoo group of our local pagan community. He started posting as if he had the right to tell others what they should believe, and my co-administrator did some online investigating. Turns out that he runs a coven in GA where he collects 'mandatory donations' at each get-together, and demands that members attend all meetings.

Talk about unhealthy! He didn't last long in our group, I fear.

Yeah, heathen kindreds are complex. There is a certain conformity to dogma (basically the way in which they embrace the heathen worldview and with what interpretations), but for the most part, it's real loose and pleasant, so I hear. I'll eventually join a kindred of my own if I ever find enough heathens that share the same life interests - but collecting money? Just for running a kindred? or umm coven. That's just wrong. I understand pulling funds together for say, a project, a circle, a blot or symble or whatever, but just for being there? c'mon. If I wanted a priest I'd go to mass.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
When I trained (about ten years ago) I was charged £50 ($90) - which was cheaper than some charged; however, the next level of attunement was three times that price.........I must admit I was disallusioned
The total cost for my Reiki 1 attunements was $100. The next set will cost $250. The third is $400, and the fourth is $450. Three and four together cost $500. I think I will seek out a new master with more affordable prices.

The Black Whirlwind

Well-Known Member
the jedi websites i frequent only ask for donations to keep the site running, which is very humble considering most of them are already grading hundreds of homeworks, writing new classes, and spending a lot of time on the forums when they have to work and spend time with their own families. not once have they ever asked for payment.

i think people who teach spirituality should ask for compensation if they have to buy a plane ticket somewhere, get a hotel room, and buy their own food. nothing beyond that though, if they truly are spiritual.


Active Member
Well I paid a medium once,
it was at a fair and it went to the school so I think its perfectly fine!
I myself am not a medium but I certainly wouldn't be able to do the Tarot for money I get very shy about it, and far too worried about embarassing myself,
I do think people should get compensated for petrol, and time but not huge profits not,
I think there are far too many people who take advantage


beckysoup61 said:
Nope. No one is paid for anything they do.
In the interest of full disclosure, this technically isn't true. Seminary and Institute teachers get paid, along with maintainace people. Also, I believe that there is a cost of living stipend for some of the General Authorities who don't have time to work and don't have enough savings to live off.


Veteran Member
SoyLeche said:
In the interest of full disclosure, this technically isn't true. Seminary and Institute teachers get paid, along with maintainace people. Also, I believe that there is a cost of living stipend for some of the General Authorities who don't have time to work and don't have enough savings to live off.
Thanks, sorry, didn't think about that.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Luke Wolf said:
The total cost for my Reiki 1 attunements was $100. The next set will cost $250. The third is $400, and the fourth is $450. Three and four together cost $500. I think I will seek out a new master with more affordable prices.
Don't bother; buy the book( "The book" which I can't find at the moment), written by a lady American Reiki Master, who became aware that people were over-charging for the attunements. The Original teachings asked that a 'token' payment be made ie a very minimal amount (to show a form of exchange), since Reiki is there to be shared by all.

If youare interested, I will find the book and send you the details; the lady has published all the attunement symbols, which means that with practice, you can attune yourself.

(The secrecy concerning the symbols was merely a ploy to make people pay good money for what should have been given freely and willingly to anyone who wishes to heal). I find the marketing of the knowledge completely against all principles. P.M me if you want to know what the book title and author are.


Oldest Heretic
I believe in days gone bye Healers were not so much paid, as given food an shelter while they were in a community. If only as thanks and in the hope they would stay a while.

Blessed are the merciful, mercy shall be shown unto them.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think I know which book your talking about Michel. Is it the one wrote by Diane Stien?

I could probably make a lot of money reading Tarot cards and doing Rieki at fairs and festivals during the summer, but I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing I made a few hundred from somthing that should be given as advice and as a gift.