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But first lets get to the basic principal.

Drugs are defined as:

A substance used in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of a disease or as a component of a medication.

Such a substance as recognized or defined by the U.S. Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

A chemical substance, such as a narcotic or hallucinogen, that affects the central nervous system, causing changes in behavior and often addiction.

Now we have illegal drugs and legal drugs yet they are all drugs.

Wouldn't man made drugs be more prone to non man made drugs being legal or illegal.

If someone wants to chew on a coca leaf or roll some marijuana shouldn't that person have their freedom to do what they want with what the land has given them?

Or do we just paint some things as "bad" and some things "good" ?


Well-Known Member
I think the problem is the "abuse" of drugs and whether they cause bodily damage. If a drug causes bodily damage, then I think it should be regulated. The problem lies in the fact that most people can't take a drug once in a while, they get addicted and use them constantly. Also, what comes into play, is if a person's personality changes and it affects people around him/her with use of the drug then it is no longer the user's problem. It affects other lives. It's too bad nicotine wasn't regulated. How many people have died of cancer and lung diseases because of this drug? How many people have died from second hand smoke? I am a former smoker.


Lightkeeper said:
I think the problem is the "abuse" of drugs and whether they cause bodily damage. If a drug causes bodily damage, then I think it should be regulated. The problem lies in the fact that most people can't take a drug once in a while, they get addicted and use them constantly. Also, what comes into play, is if a person's personality changes and it affects people around him/her with use of the drug then it is no longer the user's problem. It affects other lives. It's too bad nicotine wasn't regulated. How many people have died of cancer and lung diseases because of this drug? How many people have died from second hand smoke? I am a former smoker.

Well aren't you talking about consequences?

Everybody does something that could/will cause bodily harm from driving a car everyday to looking at this monitor screen. Moderation is the key.


Well-Known Member
Rex_Admin said:
Lightkeeper said:
I think the problem is the "abuse" of drugs and whether they cause bodily damage. If a drug causes bodily damage, then I think it should be regulated. The problem lies in the fact that most people can't take a drug once in a while, they get addicted and use them constantly. Also, what comes into play, is if a person's personality changes and it affects people around him/her with use of the drug then it is no longer the user's problem. It affects other lives. It's too bad nicotine wasn't regulated. How many people have died of cancer and lung diseases because of this drug? How many people have died from second hand smoke? I am a former smoker.

Well aren't you talking about consequences?

Everybody does something that could/will cause bodily harm from driving a car everyday to looking at this monitor screen. Moderation is the key.

Most drugs are addictive and moderation isn't an option.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I think the problem with natural drugs is that they arn't so natural anymore... Coca leaves are processed with dangerous chemicals to make cocaine and I beleve that modern marajuana is also chemically enhanced... the same goes for Tobacco... safe untill greed became involved.

I'm all for letting people kill themselves if that is what they want to do.. you should be responcible for your actions... The problem with shuch drugs comes when people start harming others... theft, violence et cet...

Modern 'natual' drugs are not used for their origional purposes... coca was used origionally to relieve the stress on the lungs from climbing really tall mountains... it kept your lungs from feeling like they were burning... Tobacco was used for prayer and healing/purification (gotta' love the bitter irony there) ... Peyote had the same use... Marijuana was also used like hemp for rope making, paper, cloth et cet... it has been seletively bred to be more and more potent...
in my relig. plants were to be respected and not misused... if you did so they would punnish you... They remember eaven if people have forgotten. :roll:

many of the worst drugs are infact man made... LSD, PCP, Meth, Extacy, oxy-contin.... eaven cocaine is man made.

the joy of better living through tecnology. :lol:



Prince of Dorkness!
What really hacks me off is the pharmaceutical industries' advertising practices:

Try our new pill! You'll love the results!

without even bothering to tell you what their new drug is for. The implication is that no matter what you might want to change about yourself, we have a pill for you !

After all this does anybody wonder why so many people take drugs illegally, as well as abusing legal drugs?


Well-Known Member
Painted Wolf said:
Tobacco was used for prayer and healing/purification (gotta' love the bitter irony there) ... Peyote had the same use...

Or, if you're into Carlos Castenada, peyote also has a use as a spiritual hallucinogenic (which, although I disapprove of any substance use... natural or otherwise... I can be tolerant when the use is for spiritual exploration and not for simple "enjoyment"... although the drug use makes me sceptical about the validity of the spiritual journies experienced while under the influence of the drug.)

Engyo said:
After all this does anybody wonder why so many people take drugs illegally, as well as abusing legal drugs?

Aye, drugs have too much of a place in our culture. They are everywhere... sometimes we don't even recognize how... lab-produced...our world is. Everybody is on something:

Coffee and soda (thousands of people enjoy these products just because of the caffeine.... because of its mild psychologically and physiologically addictive properties)

Alcohol (supposedly if you have, at the least, one glass per day, you are clinically addicted... though I believe at that early stage it is only psychologically)

Aspirin, alergy medicine, and other drugs that people use regularly (and far too often when they really don't need to)


Fairly common illegal drugs like ecstasy, cocaine,and marijuana

Weight control pills

Birth control pills (I know some people who take them for acme...which is wrong)


Antianxiety medications

Sleeping pills

Ritalin to treat hyperactivity


Proscription antibiotics that doctors give for colds (which are viral and can't be treated with antibiotics... though doctors probably feel they have to do SOMETHING...and the pharmaseutacal companies want to make money...)

Viagra and other sexual stimulants

Do people actually NEED all this stuff? Or do they just THINK they do?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
personally I try not to take drugs of any kind...
I try to avoid caffine.. my body cant process it anyway... :roll:
no asprin or cold meds... I will drink natural fruit juice like a mad woman though...
Alcohol rarely... the occasional glass of wine with dinner or a small mixed drink (works out to about once a month or so)

I suppose if I had an infection bad enough I would take anibiotics... but I rarely get infections... I clean my wounds pretty well when I get them...

It amazes me how many people think I'm crazy or a masochist for not taking asprin when I have a head ache or other aches...



I think the government should work on teaching people about how to use drugs moderatly instead of trying to fight and keep them out of the country. They will never eliminate drugs completely so they might as well teach society how to use them correctly.


Well-Known Member
It amazes me how many people think I'm crazy or a masochist for not taking asprin when I have a head ache or other aches...

I know what you mean. In my opinion people use medications too much... they come to rely upon them for the smallest ailments. I also do not use medications, but if you can consider herbal teas "medicine" then I do encourage people to use those... but only because they are generally good for you, have fewer (if any) side effects, and are kinda "designed" to deal with small ailments. Yet I don't use them myself, because I prefer (for weird reasons of my own) to be "strong" and deal with minor pain and other discomforts. *shrug*


Vile Stove-Toucher
I find this a hard topic to look at objectively, having once lived with a junkie. I don't believe legalising drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etc. will make them any less attractive to current/potential users. You can say that by legalising them, it will make it easier to educate people about using in moderation, side effects, etc., but the truth is, all that information is already readily available. Kids are being educated in schools, programs have been put in place. Just as with alcohol, there will always be people who start out as 'recreational' drug users, who then become addicted and can't function normally without it. Why encourage that by making the drugs more readily available? I don't think the thrill of breaking the law is what makes them go back for more. :roll:
painted wolf said:
personally I try not to take drugs of any kind...
I try to avoid caffine.. my body cant process it anyway... :roll:
no asprin or cold meds... I will drink natural fruit juice like a mad woman though...
Alcohol rarely... the occasional glass of wine with dinner or a small mixed drink (works out to about once a month or so)

I suppose if I had an infection bad enough I would take anibiotics... but I rarely get infections... I clean my wounds pretty well when I get them...

It amazes me how many people think I'm crazy or a masochist for not taking asprin when I have a head ache or other aches...

I don't think you're crazy painted wolf...I don't take aspirin either (though in my case, it's because aspirin lowers one's blood clotting levels)
painted wolf said:
personally I try not to take drugs of any kind...
I try to avoid caffine.. my body cant process it anyway... :roll:
no asprin or cold meds... I will drink natural fruit juice like a mad woman though...
Alcohol rarely... the occasional glass of wine with dinner or a small mixed drink (works out to about once a month or so)

I suppose if I had an infection bad enough I would take anibiotics... but I rarely get infections... I clean my wounds pretty well when I get them...

It amazes me how many people think I'm crazy or a masochist for not taking asprin when I have a head ache or other aches...

I don't think you're crazy painted wolf...I don't take aspirin either (though in my case, it's because aspirin lowers one's blood clotting levels)


New Member
Hi I am Darren,

I am the strange person that put together the software you are using here.

Slightly different approach here now, I once had an addiction problem it was alcohol and I know that some people would also classify that as being a type of drug.

During my experience on the road to find help, I hit closed door after closed door and an aweful lot of ridicule.

I have decided to start a forum for which my intention is to bring together groups of people from around the globe that do not judge and want to help people like me (or me then) and show them that the answer really does lie within their own grasp.

All that I learnt from going through the process of help is that the problems that caused me to start in the first place had become so confused that it needed some focus so I myself could get myself out of the rut.

So .... I have put together a skeleton for a forum site and that is all it is at the moment - the bare bones on which to build. I would value the opinion of people and certainly welcome anybody that can help me in this quest.

Please take a look at www.park-associates.co.uk/DAA/portal.php and let me know what you think is needed to get things moving.

I have alot of answers but they are also outweighed by the amount of questions that all amount to "HOW" to get this moving.

Please help :p