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Drunk Drivers


Uber all member
My contention is that a drunk driver in an accident causes more harm to society than a rapist or pedophile but society has an inverse acceptance to the cost.



Uber all member
Lightkeeper said:
I have a hard time saying which is worse. Have you found any stats on this?

Not current figures and many were estimated. The monetary cost is billions per year (lost wages, property loss, medical cost, funerals, insurance premiums, etc.) And that would be true (not the total cost, but the cost per incident) if the number of vehicle manslaughter accidents were the same as cases of rape and pedophilia. The emotional cost is probably the same per individual but the numbers of victims the drunk driver creates is stupendous compared to victims of the other crimes.



Veteran Member
What may be the reason to the more apathic approach to DWI is the fact that it is not a predatory crime like a rapist or pedophile. The reciepent of the rapist or pedophiles actions was systmatically chosen and hunted, even if on a social level (as date rapes are more common is still a targeted selection). whereas a DWI in an accident wasn't looking to t-bone another car but he/she did do as much as possible to make that a reality. The target isnt pre selected like a sex offender's usually is and there are less, as I understand it (from laymens terms never been hit by a dwi or a victim in a sex offense), not much of a duration of mental damage from a DWI as opposed to a sex offense. but than the reverse of is true on the view of physcial damage.

The system will have almost 20 % plus probationers in it for DWI's (not accidents but just the ticket) but not many sex offenders at all. A DWI will though have few victims and sometimes none a sex offender will usually have many. I had a friend who was a social worker and worked with sex offenders for 5 years. She told me that many of her child molester clients had 50-100 or more victims that they admitted to. Some of the victims didn't have names other than kid in brown shirt. A memory in their past. Very few DWI people will have more than a handful of victims in their lifetime. Very few sex offenders will have a handful or less.

DWI is a concern. It is leathal, dangerous and persisitant but there has been some measured success with changeing the behavior of DWI offenders...there is been poor success with sex offenders. But pah your right when u crunch the numbers DWI doesn't look so good. Here are some stats I found.





I have really strong opinions on drunk drivers. If it were up to me you would be jailed for life.


Veteran Member
It isn't the prision terms for sex offenders that adds up. The is the community supervision and therpy they undergo while still in the community. Many will do under 10 years with the exception of some rapists and flasher and molesters will usually get under 5 for a single case. After they get out is when the conflict may lie. The sytem (system being prision/jail/parole/probation/sex offender registry/police/counselors....will moniter the offender usually for life. The offender will typically register as a sex offender with the police department listing address and phn. They are required to stay a set distance from children institutions like schools if they are a convicted child molester.

They are prohibted from viewing porn and undergo a lengthy term with therapists to curb their habits. I don't know how enfoceable the porn part is but I did see a child mosletor jailed for a parole /probation (not sure which) violation when he was caught moderating or having some authority position on a gay oriental matchmaking adult sex site. I also know of a guy who got years tacked on to his probation when during a field visit the probation officer found porn out in plain view at his residence.

Anyway, the theraphy is based on preformance and postitve preformance moves one closer to graduation negative moves one away. For instance the guy with porn probably moved away from graduation based on that find.

I don't know much about the programs themeselves but I understand that they seem to run somewhat like AA..where step one is admitting the problem..and than there are subsequent steps including the listing of everyone they have ever victimized.

The couselors while payed much less than private conselors do make more than most social works with the exception of law enforcement officers.

Most of the sex offenders, from my loose understanding are in the community as opposed to incarcerated. If I just freaked you out with this info there are sex offender databases that you can join that tell you where they are.

Because they have to register (not doing so is a felony in and of itself) most are in the database. I don't know if there is a fee or not.


Veteran Member
Rex_Admin said:
I have really strong opinions on drunk drivers. If it were up to me you would be jailed for life.

rex when u say jailed for life under what parameters?

under conviction of DWI involving a :

permantent injury
moderate injury
light injury
no accident
1st offense
2nd offense
3rd offense
subsequent offenses after 3rd

when u say life you are putting it in the for life do you mean first degree felony (harshest with exception of capital offense of federal crime) or lower degree of felony?

When it goes to the courts many times DWI are pled down to wreckless driving, or obstruction of a passageway. if the laws were no longer misdemeanors what would the plea downs drop to?

Its a complicated question when you factor in courts, laws, degrees, circumstances, court strategies.....

The only thing I learned for sure is why they make lawyers take so much schooling....


Uber all member
rex when u say jailed for life under what parameters?

under conviction of DWI involving a :

The first thing ought to be a permanent revocation of driving privilages for any accident involving drinking. All death should result in a murder charge. There is no accident in the accident.



De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
pah said:

The first thing ought to be a permanent revocation of driving privilages for any accident involving drinking. All death should result in a murder charge. There is no accident in the accident.

It sounds harsh, but when you consider that the slaughter from drunk driving amounts to 20,000 or so people each year....


Veteran Member
i remember at my old job I was in a probation office and this fella had just been probated for intoxication manslaughter. He was in his late 40's and he was going over his conditions with a person from probation and he had a keychain with him with a picture of the victim on it. His probation term (he got jail time but I don't know how long) was 10 years. For the duration of his probation as a condition of his community supervision he had to have her picture with him at all times. She looked about 18 years old. We were all pretty shook up by seeing her picture...