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Ecleasiastical Garb



What is the official policy on the clothing worn by the clergy during Mass? If a Bishop wanted to wear a 3 piece suit and offer Mass, could he?

It just seems odd to me that I can't recall Jesus or the Apostles wearing any regalia and yet it seems to be a major part of our ceremonies.

Thanks for the help.



Well-Known Member

What is the official policy on the clothing worn by the clergy during Mass? If a Bishop wanted to wear a 3 piece suit and offer Mass, could he?

It just seems odd to me that I can't recall Jesus or the Apostles wearing any regalia and yet it seems to be a major part of our ceremonies.

Thanks for the help.


Great question! There are a few reasons for our wearing of Vestments. "A Good book called "How Christ said the First Mass" published by Tan reveals the Jewish origin of some of these vestments that we wear because we are fulfillments of the Jews. Although this point may be argued by different scholars that have different opinions as the Scholars of the Catholic encyclopedia disagree, we can still say that the sacrificial dress was part of Jewish culture that affected the mindset and outlook of the new covenant Christians and their dress even in a non-direct and merely culteral way.

For example see here:

Here is article on the Miter(or bishops hat)

Miters (This Rock: March 1992)

Check this out from exodus

Exodus 28:2–4:

"For your brother Aaron you will make sacred vestments to give dignity and magnificence. You will instruct all the skilled men, whom I have endowed with skill, to make Aaron’s vestments for his consecration to my priesthood. These are the vestments which they must make: a pectoral, an ephod, a robe, an embroidered tunic, a turban, and a belt. They must make sacred vestments for your brother Aaron and his sons, for them to be priests in my service."

We have Priest that wear special clothing because our Pastors are not just ministers like the protestants but our Pastors are real Priest that Offer real Sacrifice, the Eucharist. Sacrificial vestments have been around since the Jewish times. The ministers are not priest and offer no sacrifice. My Church history class taught us the rest. The early Church was made up of both Jews and gentiles(Pagan of Greek and Roman origin). Both Pagans and Jews were accustomed to vestments, special clothing, (Not just a suit or a dressy outfit but rather things with important symbolic significance) and things like Alters and candles in their sacrificial rites. The beauty of the Catholic church is that God used both of the cultures, their dress and rites and what was good in them and eventually in time He(God) developed our understanding of these things over time, even centuries and perfected them for use in the Catholic Church. So we now relate these vestments to Christ and his new covenant priesthood, the Catholic priest, and the new covenant sacrifice, the Mass our heavenly worship.

*******Also, Scripture Scholar and devout Catholic theologian Dr Scott Hahn reveals in his book(The Lambs supper) that the Mass is based off of the heavenly worship in the Book of Revelation. In Revelation we see Priest(Presbyters) of Christ wearing vestments in heavenly worship(Rev 4:4 for example)************.

I hope that helps. God bless you!


Thanks. That was a great help. Do we know of any apostles who wore clerical vestments? When did the policy 'come into vogue' as it were?

Sorry to keep 'picking your brain'. : )



Well-Known Member
Thanks. That was a great help. Do we know of any apostles who wore clerical vestments? When did the policy 'come into vogue' as it were?

Sorry to keep 'picking your brain'. : )


Some Scholars argue that Jesus would have worn special vestments at passover. The book "How Christ said the first Mass" argues this. But others say that vestments as a whole for the Church developed around the 4th century. The Catholic encyclopedia give a list of this i think. Of coarse they naturally developed out of the reasons I suggested above. God loves to develop his doctrines and practices and gives the church a increase of knowledge in things over centuries. But they were present in seed like form in the Jewish ceremonial sacrificial dress and the Pagan ones which influenced the culture and God used the good out of these to form them in the church. I hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
*******Also, Scripture Scholar and devout Catholic theologian Dr Scott Hahn reveals in his book(The Lambs supper) that the Mass is based off of the heavenly worship in the Book of Revelation. In Revelation we see Priest(Presbyters) of Christ wearing vestments in heavenly worship(Rev 4:4 for example)************.
Hmmmm..... now I know I've heard something about our relationship with heaven....... now I remember:

"Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven."



Oldest Heretic
The Anglican Church Like the old Celtic Church Follow tradition and still wear virtually Identical vestment to The Roman Catholic ones... they are usually purchased from the same vestment retailers. We may be the only "Protestant " church to do so.
The Altar Items are also the same... We sometimes borrow the censor from the local Catholic church, when the Bishop comes as ours is a bit dodgy.