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Editorial - The GOP "Moral Values" Voter


Uber all member

GOP Hypocrite of the Week: The GOP "Moral Values" Voter


(Listen to the GOPHOTW HERE)

Welcome back to the BuzzFlash.com GOP HOTW

First of all, lets generally debunk the Rovian/mainstream media spin that there was a surge of "moral values" voters in 2004. The so-called GOP "moral values" Busheviks are pretty much the same Neo-Confederacy religious fundamentalist segment that's been confusing government with religion since the Civil War. In fact, just about the same number of exit poll voters identified jobs and the economy as their major concern in casting a ballot for President.

The "moral values" voter is really heir to the realigned Republican Party that the now repentant Kevin Phillips strategized for Nixon in his landmark book, "The Emerging Republican Majority." Essentially, this was the Southern Strategy, based on the exploitation of race and fundamentalist "Christian" values.

The Nixon strategy, under Rove, has been repackaged to appear "All-American," when it is really the Jesse Helms/Strom Thurmond political appeal with a "compassionate conservative" veneer. It's kind of shocking to BuzzFlash that the mainstream press appears to have forgotten that slave owners were generally devout fundamentalists, justifying slavery with bastardized passages from the Bible. And the Ku Klux Klan didn't pick a cross as its symbol by accident.

The Republican Party, since the post-Eisenhower era, has used religion to exclude Americans who are not devout fundamentalists or "old time religion" Christians. This group of voters is hardly a majority of Americans, but the Republicans have extended this appeal into the Rocky Mountain and Plains states through misinformation and the exploitation of emotional hot buttons to gain the support of people through fear "of the other."

Yes, fear Osama; fear gays; fear abortion doctors; fear people who teach evolution; fear science; fear the poor; fear non-whites; fear uppity women; fear liberals; fear Hollywood; fear everything that is not a matter of Christian faith.

Democratic leaders who have looked at the election results of 2004 (as questionable as they are), and think that they should start appealing to the "moral values" crowd are just being taken for a Rovian ride. The South was beaten in the Civil War and it's not the time to concede a war to Robert E. Lee that he lost nearly 140 years ago.

America was founded as a nation based on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Freedom, inclusion and the right of every citizen to participate in the election of our government is the essence of what makes us a great nation.

Those who would have us believe that the role of the government is to impose a set of values upon the nation fundamentally misunderstand the hypocrisy of the GOP and the "moral values" canard. What ever happened to the Republican slogan that the best government is the government that governs least?

We present our BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week to the small minority of Americans who consider themselves both true Americans and "moral values" voters. The reality is that you can't be both.

It is hypocritical to support freedom and democracy, and then go out and vote for a President who wants to assert HIS values on all Americans. That is about as Un-American as you can get.

Anybody in America is free to practice their values within the confines of their family, as long as they cause no criminal or psychological harm to others. But they aren't free to impose their religion or their personal beliefs on their neighbors. That's not democracy. That's hypocrisy and tyranny.

Until next week, just remember our motto at BuzzFlash.com, "So many Republican hypocrites, so little time."

Catch up with you soon.



The cake is a lie
pah said:
It is hypocritical to support freedom and democracy, and then go out and vote for a President who wants to assert HIS values on all Americans. That is about as Un-American as you can get.

That just about sums up my feelings over all this... this CRAP that's been going on. And the people that think they're Good Little Americans for voting Bush.


Active Member
This is a well-written thought-provoking piece. I agree with the writer...the Republicans have been spouting fear tactics and wrapping them in the 'moral values' robe. Sad to say, they've gotten away with it too. What a shame.


I was actually pleased with myself, because Charles Krauthammer and I made the same observation. The difference is that he put it into words like the fine pulitzer prize winning journalist. In any case, here goes...

If you look at the exit polls, the polling group divided foreign policy issues into iraq and war on terror, and economic issues into economy/jobs, taxes, and health care. When combined, foreign policy issues drew 35%, economic drew 34%, and moral values including abortion, gay marriage, and possibly even things like conviction of principle and morality of preemptive attacks, drew 22%. Also note that Bush increased his vote share with blacks, jews, women, and hispanics. Bush's victory was quite complete, and attempts to downplay it as the result of a mobilization of backwater loons are either disingenuous or misinformed.


New Member
Moral values, it is the catch phrase of this years election. But which values are we talking about? And who's?