What is the Ego? Is it necessary?
Is it a positive or negative thing?
I've often heard schools of thought about lessening or even doing away with one's Ego. And others that talk of bolstering it with an unbreakable sense of Self.
Humans have two centers of consciousness; inner self and ego. The inner self is the original and the primary center. It is much older than the ego and is the center of consciousness common to all animals. In Psychology, the inner self would be the center of the unconscious mind and contains DNA based behavioral firmware; archetypes, that is common to each species. In the case of humans, our inner self defines our common and collective human nature and human propensities. A baby has just an inner self, which instinctively that knows how to use its cries and coos to get its needs met. The mother via her maternal instinct in her inner self, senses these needs.
The ego or secondary center is unique only to humans. Animals do not have an ego, just an inner self. The ego evolved somewhere between 6-10K years ago. It finally consolidated with the invention of written language and the rise of civilization. Written language allowed for sort of an external hard drive of external culture wisdom that could be learned and studied until almost instinctive. The ego of the baby, starts to form as they learn their name; external said by the parents. The terrible two's are about the ego breaking free.
The ego is the center of the conscious mind and unlike the inner self with its innate DNA firmware from birth, the ego develops from interacting and learning from environment. Our cultural distinctions are connected to the ego, whereas the inner self in all humans, from all cultures have many things in common, since we are all genetically human with a human inner self.
In the Taoist view the inner self is the Dao. The ego, due to learning and its will and choice, can override natural instinct and undermine the inner self or Dao. However, the goal is not to get rid of the ego, but rather to learn to use the ego to cooperate with the inner self. This relationship has many benefits since the inner self uses the main frame parts of the brain due its genetic/neural connections as the center of consciousness down to cellular control and feedback; awareness. This can allow the ego to have more capability, but only if the ego has the proper relationship as student and the Dao is the teacher; enlightenment.
Taoist view - The ego is seen as an obstacle to realizing one's true nature and connecting to the Dao.
Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu - chapter 24
He who stands on tiptoe is not steady.
He who strides cannot maintain the pace.
He who makes a show is not enlightened.
He who is self-righteous is not respected.
He who boasts achieves nothing.
He who brags will not endure.
According to followers of the Tao,
"These are extra food and unnecessary luggage."
They do not bring happiness.
Therefore followers of the Tao avoid them.
The Ego seeks to divide and separate. Spirit seeks to unify and heal - Pema Chodron
A strong ego is needed, but without becoming egotistical. To make a wish that you become able to help all beings throughout space. You need a strong self: with a weak self such intention is impossible. - His Holiness the Dalai Lama
In Western Religion, Adam and Eve were the first two modern humans to have both an inner self and an ego. Before these two symbolic humans, what science calls humans due to human DNA; million years ago to about 10K years ago should be called pre-humans, since they had human DNA but only an inner self. They were natural human animals; paradise driven by natural human instinct.
When Adam and Eve symbolically ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, this implied they began to use external knowledge to second guess their instincts and inner self; civilization. The boastful pride of life is from the ego; learned behavior, and not the inner self. In the story of Adam and Eve, after they ate they saw that they were naked and tried to cover up. Naked did not concern the inner self; inner animal, if it was a pleasant day. But they had externally learned a cultural taboo; naked is evil. This change of behavior; shame, was a tell of damage being done. The story goes that a wall formed between the two centers; tree of life was taken away and sealed to protect the inner self. The ego was allow to evolve itself with external knowledge, until it could find its way home. Many religions are about reconnecting to the inner man, inner self, Dao, etc. It can also be done with Mystical Psychology.