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Eid Sermon: Celebrate & Remember Allah \ Expectations \ Be Role Model \ Pray & Make Effort for World


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you….Young and grownups, women and men are gathered on this special day –The Eid. Islam has appointed the day of Eid for we Muslims to celebrate the happiness with our own people and close ones. This day brings more happiness for those who are firm on Deen / religion and who make pledge they shall give precedence to faith over worldly matters as they abstained from allowed activities during one month of Ramadhan, they placed restrictions for themselves for the pleasure of Allah….They are celebrating Eid by the commandment of Allah.

Thankfulness to Allah increases as after the restrictions, He granted the day of happiness to celebrate in gathering with others.

On this joyous occasion, some obligations are pointed by Islam for the servants of Allah, which must be kept in view. Other religions have joyous days too but they are not under restrictions and not like Islamic gathering……Our Eid consists of Salaat and sermon. The purpose is that as Muslims celebrate happy occasion together they should gather to offer His worship and to listen about Him….Celebrations of other people are limited to eating and fun but our Eid day has more remembrance of God. In addition to five usual daily Salaat, there is Eid Salaat and Eid sermon.

The true Muslims should remember that his Eid is not of eating and amusement, rather their Eid is for permitted collective joy and more remembrance of Allah. They should not forget purpose of life i.e. worship. They should not forget to offer Zohr (afternoon prayer) and Asr (late afternoonp prayer) Salaats especially….Ahmadiyya Muslims should remember this matter more than others. They have to pay right of God and right of people.

Our Eids are not Eids of fun, these are Eids which connect with God. It is benevolence of God that He has sent Imam of age for our reformation; may pious people who wanted to see him, departed this world before they could see him. It is grace of Allah that we are born in this era and enabled us to accept Imam of age. This benevolence of Allah demands something from us…….Only accepting him who has come from God is not enough. Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) commanded to accept his Mahdi. To have reformations in faith, it is essential to fulfill expectations of Promised Messiah, the Mahdi – The Imam of age..….Then we shall be real servant of Allah and garner His grace. Words are not enough, be model of practical obedience because Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) took pledge from us that we shall continue to make effort for obedience in ma’ruf.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) expected [Gist]:

If our Jama'at wants to become Jama'at [disciplined group] they should adopt (sort of) death; avoid purpose of low-self; human gets destroyed with much hypocrisy.

Family and self have rights. Allah the Exalted commands to use bounties. We need to be thankful….To avoid purpose of low-self means not to discard truth to gain prohibited benefits. Observe limits made by Allah. For example, a prosper person buys some allowed thing. There is another person with lesser resources, he tries to get same thing by raising money through illegal means, or he takes loan. Desire of low-self become vice.….There are other vices. These are due to not giving precedence to Allah over self.

Jama'at is made with [morally and spiritually] reformed people. We should not be happy that majority of us give precedence to Allah over self. One bad fish rots the whole pond. Vices of few bring bad name to Jama'at as collective. Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) said: Being referred to us, do not bring ill repute to us………Personal vices of individuals give opportunity to opponents, they finger point, Mahdi was to reform selves. Some others say they want to join Jama'at but model of individual discourage them.


Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) said [Gist]: Mere acknowledgment of Bai'at by tongue in nothing. Make effort, and pray that may God make you sadiq (truthful, sincere); do not be lazy in doing so; be alert. Always keep model of Abdul Lateef in view, how he showed symptoms of sinceres and loyals!

To declare truth is worthier than life. The real sacrifice is continuous sacrifice of low-self and to fulfill pledge made with Allah with sincerity….Those who show bad models, are not loyal, have no belief.


Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said [Gist]: Such bad models have given loss to world. Our Jama'at should avoid it. Avoid each bad emotion. When stranger meet you, he observe your face to check whether you are steadfast, whether you observe divine commandments. If your model is not good, the stranger will be tumble through you.

We should show good model of high standard. God will be given precedence when we shall keep in view God is watching us.


Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said [Gist]: By sending a Sadiq (truthful, sincere), Allah has wanted to prepare a Jama'at which should love Allah.

Love with Allah is not insignificant. To have true love with Allah, continuous effort and prayer is required and deeds should be according to Allah’s commandments.


Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said about love of Allah [Gist]: It is the purpose of my coming. The one who fulfills my purpose is from me.


Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said [Gist]: Remember this Jama'at is not made to progress in wealth and earthly matters and to live life with ease. Allah is displeased with such people. Observe the lifes of Sahabah (companions of Holy Prophet s.a.w.)

The standards of Sahabah were such that they would offer obligatory worships and would make special arrangement to offer extra worships [nawafil]. They were thankful to Allah…….One example was of Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Auf (may Allah be pleased with him). They started a business. It was so much blessed that, whatever thing he touched, it was blessed, it was like as if soil became gold. He possessed enormous wealth…..What was the effect of this wealth? He was not an earthly man. Once at break fast mat, when he saw many food items, he began to cry. He remembered early days of Islam, when Muslims starved. [He remembered sacrifices of Sahabah. Martyrs could not be covered with full sheet, either head or feet remained uncovered………That is how, in the time of prosperity, early times were remembered. They were thankful to Allah and it increased them in paying rights of His worship]…….Once 700 camels of Hazrat Abdur Rahman (r.a.) loaded with grain were brought in Medina. He presented camels and loads in the path of Allah……Did this act lessened his wealth? No, he continued to offer financial sacrifices afterwards too…..He possessed wealth in millions, when he passed away….[These people lived in the world, but gave Allah precedence over everything.]…He would offer Salaat with humbleness and fear. He would offer Nawafil before Zohr Salaat. He would leave for mosque as soon as he heard Aazan….[Businessmen feel very difficult to find time at afternoon hours]..He did not let business overtake Nawafil of days or night.

Our riches, generous and businessmen and those who are busy in worldly works should remember to give precedence to Allah over work. Model of Sahabah should be before eye; that is what Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) wanted.


Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said [Gist]: Our Jama'at should not limit itself to chit chat only. Purification of self and reform is essential, for this I have been appointed. Islam is a tree, you are its branches, save it by your model. To save Islam, by making the truth visible, be model of true Muslim AND spread its beauty and excellences in the world.

Today, the world has its own wrong preferences. One cannot save himself from its effects without the grace of Allah. Do effort to cleanse the self. Make Sahabah as role model to guide people of world. Then we shall be able to fulfill the purpose of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) for which he was sent…. “Islam is a tree”. A tree is beautiful if branches are green. Each Ahmadi should become green branch and have properties of green branches. These properties are the teaching which Allah the Exalted granted to Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)…It is the duty of each Ahmadi that he / she must save the tree of Islam by presenting his / her model. Then the green of the tree will show its beauty, and then others will get benefit from this blessed teaching. They cannot give any benefit to others without their model.

Muslims need this model. Their mutual oppression is bring bad name to Islam and humanity, as Muslim world is involved in oppression against humanity. Muslim gather for Eid day but lives of innocent Muslim children have been taken to bring mourning. Doers are happy that they did good, they are senseless. They take lives because others were not from their sect….Governments are oppressing to save their chair. Opponents are oppressing to topple governments. All oppression is being done at the name of Allah and Messenger….What else could be said: inna lilah….

We Ahmadis struggle to show good model but these oppressors make Islam muddy. We must make effort. Prayers are essential. Model became successful when prayers are accompanied…. “Spread the excellences”. Prayer is essential for the victory of Islam. Awareness is needed to do prayers.

For a true Eid, we need to check ourselves, to bring pure changes in ourselves, to pull the world out of oppression we need to expand our efforts, to save Muslim Ummah from oppressions we need to do prayers with pain.

In general, on the name of freedom, the world is sinking in shamelessness and sin and is inviting wrath of God. Today we are the one to bring true happiness to the world. We need to have throbbing heart for Islam and pray for world on Eid day to celebrate true Eid. We need to do so today, tomorrow and always. Pray for soon release of our prisoners-for-faith in Pakistan. Pray for Ahmadis in war ridden areas, may they join true happiness of Eid…….. Eid Mubarak to all Ahmadis in the world, may Allah continue to show us true happiness of Eid. [Aameen].

Based on Eid ul Fitr sermon (19 July 2015) by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (may Allah help him with His Mighty help), mta.tv, UK