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Eid ul Adha Sermon\Perfection of Ways\Purpose of Kabah=To Spread Peace & Security\Responsibilities


Peace be upon you.
Perfection of Ways of Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) & Hazrat Ismail (a.s.) by Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) – Purpose of Kabah is to Spread Peace & Security – Responsibilities in Latter Days.

Peace be on you….Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) explained: Eid ul Adha and Hajj are related to the sacrifices of Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail (upom them be peace). This Eid is related to establishment of high levels of personal sacrifice, and to the start of new era of sacrifice of family.

Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace) offered personal sacrifice at first time when, to establish Unity of God, he broke idols and his own people turned against him and he was thrown in fire, though Allah the Exalted cooled that fired off. Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) offered sacrifice of his family when he was ready to sacrifice his child for the sake of Allah. Similarly the child offered his sacrifice, he was ready to be slaughtered. Father’s sacrifice was in the form of separating the child from him too. But this may not be huge sacrifice according to that era because there was custom to sacrifice human life in that time..Yet this sacrifice is pointed one, considering Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) was given son at the age 90, and he got ready to sacrifice him; he left wife and child in water-less and plant-less land. All it is very high station of sacrifice of that era. There was nothing to drink and eat, there was danger of wild beats. It was not ordinary little sacrifice.

However this sacrifice was not a maximum. It was the beginning of that sacrifice which was to reach its highest. Allah the Exalted wanted to show He could make human achieve excellent standards of sacrifice. This maximum was reached through our Master, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) – the perfect human. In all his life, we see examples of such sacrifices, and Divine support.

No doubt, all life of Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace) is a model for us, but the life of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) is a perfect example for us. What we find in the life of Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.), we see its extremely high stations in the life of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) states the events, trials and Divine support which Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace) received, and its extreme examples in the life of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) : It is confirmed matter that our Leader and Master, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) came with the like nature of Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace). For example, as Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace), by loving Tauheed [Unity of God], caused himself to be in fire, and then survived clearly by the voice ‘qulna ya naro kooni bardan wa salama....’ [(21:70) We said, ‘O fire, be thou cold and ameans ofsafety........] . Similarly our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), due to love for Tauheed, caused himself in the fire of mischief, seed of which was sewn in all people after the advent of his-eminence, it blazed in all world. Then he was saved clearly from this fire by the voice ‘...wallaho ya-semoka minannas...’ [(5:68) .....And Allah will protect thee from men.....] which was the voice of God.

Likewise, our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) broke those idols with his hand which were placed in the house Kabah, as Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) broke the idols.

As Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) was the founder of Khana Kabah (house Kabah), likewise our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was to make all the world bow towards house Kabah.

And Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace) laid the foundation to bow towards God but our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) completed this foundation. He placed such trust on God’s Fazl and Karam (grace and kindness) that every truth seeker should learn to trust on God from his-eminence.

Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) was born in people who was not aware of Tauheed, and they did not have any Book. Similarly our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was born in people who were sunk in ignorance and no Book from Lord had reached them.

And there is another similarity that God washed the heart of Ibrahim greatly and cleansed it so much so that he displeased with (anti God) near ones and relatives, and there was none left to him in the world except God. Similarly, rather more than it, events happened to our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and despite there was no home in Mecca, to which, Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) did not have any family ties. But all of them turned foe because of his call towards God- The Only One, and none remained with him except God. Then as God, who found Ibrahim solitary and granted him so much progeny which became countless like stars of heavens. Likewise, finding Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) solitary, God granted him limitlessly and granted those Sahabah in his companionship who were, like stars of heaven, not only were many but their hearts had glowed with the light of Tauheed.

Now see, as example is given, Mushrekeen (polytheists) lit fire for Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace) and put him in it…..Allah the Exalted sent rain to put that fire off and it cooled and Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace) was saved from that fire. Mushrekeen see apparent things, so when they saw clouds came in and it rained after they had ignited the fire, they got the impression that perhaps God did it and they left Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.)…..But Meccans, despite seeing defeats, blazed the fire of war for ten years but they remained unsuccessful. The fights done to burn and finish Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) became the cause of his (s.a.w.) progress and success.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) explains ‘…wallaho ya-semoka minannas…’ : Allah the Exalted said about our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) ‘…wallaho ya-semoka minannas…’ (5:68) i.e. God will save you from people. Though people gave him various suffering, expelled from homeland, martyred tooth, wounded the finger and inflicted many lesions on forehead, in fact there is no chance of objection is for this prophecy because the ultimate basis and real objective was not to injure Holy Prophet ‘s (s.a.w.) or to martyr his tooth but the intention in particular was to murder him. Thus God saved Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) from the real plan of disbelievers.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said: Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) not gotten murder by the hand of anyone is a very huge miracle and is the proof of the truth of Holy Quran because it is prophecy of Holy Quran that ‘…wallaho ya-semoka minannas…’. And it was written in previous Books that Prophet of Last Era would not be killed by anyone’s hand.

Thus Ibrahim (on whom be peace) was put in fire temporarily and by taking omen from extinguished fire, Mushrikeen did not blaze the fire again But the fire was kept blazed against Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) for years. Allah the Exalted had already announced: You try but will not be successful. And they could not get successful. So in the presence of a challenge, inability to counter it (by foe), is the true success of the challenger and it manifests the greatness of the prophecy.

The fire against Ibrahim (on whom be peace) was blazed by his family or nation. But the fire against Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was blazed by all nations and at wherever his message reached in the world -- rather this fire is being blazed against him till today. The purpose to do so is to defame his name in anyway, and to make Islam a so-called religion like other religions or to make it like those religions who are not in their original form or to make it like as if it has no base.

But again there is promise of Allah the Exalted and the challenge that you will not be able to do so because Allah the Exalted has to make dominant, the message of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) through his true servant [The Promised Messiah (a.s.)] in every end of the world. Insha-Allah.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said: To establish Tauheed, Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace) offered sacrifice of his passions, wife and son too and brought them to Makkah to live, where there was nothing to eat or to drink. But, by the commandment of God the Exalted, it was essential to leave them there so that re-construction of the first house of God the Exalted should be done on very same foundations whose marks had been erased, so that Tauheed (Unity of God) should be spread in the world. As during the construction of house Kabah, Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace) and Hazrat Ismail (on them be peace) were praying, about which Allah the Exalted says in Holy Quran ‘wa iz yarfao Ibrahimul qawaeda minal baitey wa Ismael rabbana taqabbal minna innaka antas samiul aleem’ [2:128] And when Abraham was raising the foundations of that special House and Ismael too (saying this prayer), ‘Our Lord, acceptfrom us; surely You are All-Hearing, All-Knowing…… ‘rabbana wajalna muslemaney laka wa min zurriyatena ummatam muslematalak wa arena manasekana wa tub alaina innaka antat tauwwab ur rahim’ [2;129] ‘Our Lord, make us two submissive servants to You and from our progeny, (make) a submissive ummat of You. And show us our ways of worship and sacrifices, and turn to us by accepting repentance; surely You are much Acceptor of repentance (and) Repeatedly Merciful.

Thus their prayer received the station of acceptance. Many obedient people were born in their progeny -- such obedient ones who learned ways of worship and sacrifices from The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) who reached the extreme climax among progeny. They fulfilled Pledge of Bai'at to him (s.a.w.), they did not care even about their lives to establish Tauheed and to clean house Kabah from idols, they did not care about sleep at nights for worship of God -The Only One, and made a special connection with God the Exalted. This worships and yearning to establish Tauheed, they learned from Hazrat Muhammad Rasulullah (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). This revolution in them came through the training and prayers of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) that they became people-of-God. Thus the sacrifices of and trainings by Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) made those ignorant people-of-God and they cleaned the house Kabah from idols which had become target of idols and there were hundreds of idols in it……. And ‘…..ja-al haqo wa zahaqal batelo innal batela kana zahuqa’ [17:82] …..Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Verily falsehood is bound to vanish….He (s.a.w.) raised this slogan and broke each idol and made house Kabah the permanent center of Tauheed [Unity of God].

As Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace) made house Kabah by offering sacrifice of self and family, Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) removed idols from it for ever and made it the center of Tauheed and made the whole world to bow towards house Kabah and offered great sacrifices for it.

As Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace) laid the foundation to bow towards God the Exalted, our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) perfected this foundation and now it is the sign of Tauheed for ever.

Thus the beginning of raising the foundation was done by Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace) and Hazrat Ismael (on whom be peace) so that Tauheed is established. Its completion is done through Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and now till Qaiyyamat it will be center of Tauheed. Insha-Allah.

Today we see hundreds of thousands of people go for Hajj. Millions of Muslims offer Salaat by facing towards house Kabah. It is the proof that the foundation of house Kabah was completed by Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him).

Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) mentioned another common between Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) and Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that there was no name and sign of Tauheed in the nation of Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) and there was no Book. Likewise Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) was born in a nation which was ignorant to its maximum. There was no sign of Tauheed in them too. No Book from Lord had reached them but when complete, perfect, last Book of Shariah -- which was to remain till Qaiyyamah, which contained all subjects -- was given by Allah the Exalted to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) in the form of Holy Quran, then through his quwate qudsia (power of making pure), these people who were previously like animals and ignorant became human, then the became educated people and them became people-of-God. By making pledge to give precedence to faith over world, by getting teaching from this Book, by learning knowledge and wisdom from him (s.a.w.), by getting excellence in knowledge and understanding, by raising the flag of Tauheed, they showed the path to the world.

As Allah the Exalted mentioned the acceptance of prayer of Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) at a place in Holy Quran:

Translation (3:165) Verily, Allah has conferred a favour on the believers by raising among them a Messenger from among themselves, who recites to them His Signs, and purifies them and teaches them the Book and Wisdom; and, before that, they were surely in manifest error.

Allah the Exalted’s says that a Messenger has been sent from among themselves, it draws attention of Muslims that they should follow the model of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) who is like them and is from among them. Thus it is compulsory for Muslims that they should raise their spirituality by following his model, spread peace and security, learn and teach wisdom. But it is sad to mention that today majority of Muslims have forgotten this teaching and they lack guidance at this time. They are not learning and they cannot guide. Despite presence of perfect teaching, they have moved back into ignorance. But, because it was the promise by Allah the Exalted till Qaiyyamah (Hereafter) about the knowledge and wisdom of the Book and establishment of Tauheed, that is why Allah the Exalted sent the True Servant of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) in this era. This True Servant [The Promised Messiah Mahdi] again created a Jama'at and received pledge to achieve those objectives. Thus it is the responsibility of each Ahmadi that they should ponder over this task which is mentioned for Aakhareen (latter people) in Surah Jumua (chapter 62).

Each Ahmadi should:

= acknowledge benevolence of Allah the Exalted,

= make effort to full capacity to fulfill his Pledge of Bai'at,

= get included in those people who know and fulfill the purpose of sacrifices of Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismael (on them be peace),

= get included in those people who try to fulfill the purpose of making of house Kabah,

= get included in those people who make full effort to establish Tauheed and follow the model of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him).

If we focus at these matters only then we shall be among the (spiritual) force of Aakhareen (latter people) who have to re-establish Tauheed (Unity of God) in the world again, and to make the world bow towards house Kabah. Before making others to bow towards house Kabah, first it is needed we pay right of bowing towards it. Thus each of us needs to raise standards of his worships, to save his Salaat-s. This is the house of peace and security. If we are related to this house then we need to make effort to spread peace and security by our each deed. To increase mutual love, there is need to expel inner arrogance of self. When our attention will be on each aspect of training and cleansing of self, only then we shall be able to do Conveying-the-Message work through our improved practical states and shall be able to make the world bow towards house Kabah. Otherwise physically facing towards Kabah and offering worship will give no benefit. If these Hajj-s are offered while commandments of Allah the Exalted are being ignored, these will give no benefit unless standards of true worships are achieved.

Each of us should remember that if apparent things were enough, there was no need of Promised Messiah to come and there was no need for Allah the Exalted to give news about Akhareen (latter people). Apparent matters viz, sacrifice of lamb and offering Hajj, and apparent offering of Salaat-s are being done by other Muslims too but yet their general condition is continuously falling prey to decline. Today examples of Muslims are being presented as oppressors. Non-Muslim dare to make objection against Islam because Muslims are forgetting the purpose of raising Kabah though they offer Salaat by facing towards it. House Kabah was raised as sign of security and peace but today Muslim is cutting neck of Muslim; on Eid day in Arab lands, one sect was blasting other with bombs. Both claim to offer worship by facing towards house Kabah. Both fulfill rituals of Hajj. Both recite ‘la ilaha illallaho muhammadur rasulullah’ [There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is His Messenger].

When we see such acts, attention of each Ahmadi should be more drawn than before that what lesson he should get from this Eid. He should not sacrifice lambs only to eat meat, but he should be doing so by keeping in view what was the spirit of sacrifices of Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace), Hazrat Ismail (on whom be peace) and (more than all) our Lord and Leader Hazrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)? What was the lesson they wanted to teach us? There is need to pay attention to the sacrifices of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). There is need to pay attention to the teaching he brought. There is need to implement the authority of teaching of Holy Quran on the self, we have made this promise to Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) in our Pledge of Bai'at. Practicing it will enable us to pay right of reading the Book. Only then we could be counted among those people who hearts are cleaned by God the Exalted. To get our hearts washed, first we shall have to take steps towards God the Exalted. Only then there will a visible difference between us and others.

Sometimes, for the sake of deen (faith, religion), relations with own people have to be sacrificed, relative have to be left. Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace) had to offer this sacrifice too. But as Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said ...(gist)… Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) offered more sacrifice than that. He had relation and link with each home in Makkah. But after his claim, after his announcement to establish Tauheed, everyone broke ties with him and did not care any relation. Which oppression was spared that was not inflicted on him. But he (s.a.w.) announced I can never leave establishng Tauheed, no matter how much you lure me; put the sun at one hand of mine and moon on the other hand, even then I shall continue to offer sacrifice for the purpose of house Kabah, and continue to spread the Message of God the Exalted.

No doubt the stone used in the construction of house Kabah are mere stones, but this house is of very high station because it is the mark of establishment of Tauheed. Thus when he (s.a.w.) made these high standards of sacrifice, his Companions too were not only ready to offer any sacrifice but they offered unsparing sacrifices. Thus we, who are counted in Akhareen, we too should remember these sacrifices. By giving precedence to deen over world, we shall give every relation secondary status.

It is special Fazl and Ehsan (grace and benevolence) of Allah the Exalted on the Jama'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) that He continues to grant him (a.s.) such devotees who are ever ready to offer any sacrifice. Even the new comers too taste this sacrifice.

In recent Alfazl (Jama'at’s printed publication online at alislam.org), an incidence of Bai'at of an Arab Ahmadi is mentioned. Because he became Ahmadi, father expelled him from house, he suffered troubles of arrest, fired from job, faced court-martial in army, hardships were inflicted on him, mother became displease, even then he remained steadfast at Eman (faith). Such examples are not one or two but they are hundreds among people spread worldwide. Thus as long as we shall maintain such standards of sacrifices, we shall be paying rights of making of house Kabah in right sense.

True Eid-s can only be celebrated by keeping these sacrifices alive. Thus we should remember to make our progenies understands the true Eid-s. Train them in way that they too should be always ready to offer sacrifice of self and family. Otherwise if we could not keep the continuity of understanding the importance of sacrifice in our progenies, and if we forget its importance, we shall be made deprive of bounties.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said (gist) When family and dears abondened Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace), was he left alone? No, but God gave him so much progeny that it was counted like stars in heavens. Similarly,did Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) remain alone? No, but he was granted those sincere devotee and ready for each sacrifice Companions by Allah the Exalted who were not only in large numbers but also their hearts were illumined with the light of Tauheed in such way that a part of world too received grace from their light. Where ever they reached they continued to spread this light....Thus today we need to understand its importance.

Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (may Allah be pleased with him) drew attention towards it and said: From the Eid of sacrifice, this lesson should be drawn that we have to prepare our progeny for sacrifice. Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace) prepared Hazrat Ismail (on whom be peace) for sacrifice that is why he became ready to be slaughtered. But Allah the Exalted said, No, you should slaughter a ram… A ram can not be a substitute of human life and also it was not a precious thing which could have been an alternate to his son…For Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace) ram was an ordinary thing because he possessed herds of animals. (He was quite rich. A person who can quickly slaughter a calf when guests arrived, slaughtering a ram is ordinary for him. It means we and our progenies should not become rams, we should slaughter rams of our selfs. We should not be training children only in terms of world. Instead of mere taking care of their food and drink and health, we should develop humanity in them. That much pampering and love should not be done to them which may make them contained within their selves, and they loose humanity, and they do not pay attention to pay rights of Allah the Exalted and people, and they do not recognize purpose of their birth.) By telling Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace) to slaughter ram, Allah the Exalted wanted to give the lesson that if you will finish ram-ness in your progeny then they shall become heir of bounties (and will remain to be heir as long as this will remain stop), and Prophethood will remain established in them.

Thus each of us should keep this point in mind, that we should not only focus on our children’s physical health and goodness thinking it will give us worldly benefits, but what is essential it is to train them, and to give them understanding of giving precedence to deen (faith, religion) over world, and to darw their attention to get progress in high-quality morals, to make them to be attentive to sacrifice for establishing Tauheed. It is our responsibility. It can be achieved only when we shall be practicing these matters. If we achieve so, we shall be counted among that Jama'at of Akhareen (latter ones) who shall fulfill the purpose of making of house Kabah, who shall celebrate their Eid-s by remembering sacrifices of Hazrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace) and Hazrat Ismail (on whom be peace).

In this era, Allah the Exalted has called Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) Ibrahim, and he too is granted gladtiding of vast spread of Jama'at, as He said: ‘orihoka wa la ojebok wa ukhrejoka minka qoman’ [i.e. I shall give you comfort and shall not erase your name and shall make a big nation from you], ‘with it, an understanding came to heart which meant As I made Ibrahim a nation.’

Thus Allah the Exalted will give him (a.s.) such people with abundance, who will remember to offer sacrifices like Ibrahim and Ismail, who shall establish Tauheed, and who shall spread Tauheed and shall not spare any sacrifice for this. They shall not be making their self a ram, instead their focus will be on practicing the commandments of Allah the Exalted. Only and only world or only its earning will not be their aim, instead they shall give precedence to faith over world.

Each of us should make effort that we should be among those people who gain this purpose. May Allah the Exalted enable us to do so. Huzur (a.t.) said Now (silent) prayer will be done. Pray for those who are in troubles for the sake of deen, pray for those who have been arrested in the path of Lord; may Allah the Exalted make means for their release, pray for the martyrs may Allah elevate their stations and keep their progenies always firm at deen, pray for yourself and your progenies to remain firm on deen, pray to get pleasure of Allah the Exalted; may Allah the Exalted is always pleased with us and make us do that work what He desires, pray for those who offer financial sacrifice, pray for Muslim ummah; may Allah the Exalted grant them wisdom and understanding; may they pay rights of each other; avoid oppression, believe in the Imam of era; may they pay right of house Kabah which is the mark of peace and security; may Muslim leaders and subjects pay mutual rights, may Allah the Exalted enable us to show the beautiful picture of Islam to world, may He enable us to convey the beautiful Message of Islam to the world and may every person living in the world become the worshipper of God -The Only One. In the accident during Hajj, hundreds of people died, many innocent lives are lost; may Allah the Exalted have mercy and maghferat for them, [Aameen]

Then Huzur (a.t.) led the Silent paryers. After that he (a.t.) said, ‘Eid Mubarak to all.’

Based on: Eid ul Adha sermon (25 September 2015), UK , by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), alislam.org and mta.tv
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