Not Universally objective no, but would you consider Albert Einstein equal to Billybob who married his cousin and believes the world is 6000 years old? I wouldn't.
Equal no, but better or worse no as well. If Billybob wanted to marry his cousin and believe the world is 6000 years old than that's his business. If he was happy, treated people with respect, and didn't try to forcefully impose his will on others than I would judge him as no better or worse than Einstein, just different. Nothing, in my opinion is equal, but I view elitism as the belief that one is better than another person based on a specific quality or qualities.
Would you consider a Tibettan monk and Einstein equal?
By your post, it seems as though you place intellgience as your meter of equality, but there are so many different types of intelligence it's hard for me to nail one down as better than the others. If Einstein's toilet broke and Billybob was a knowledgeable plumber, who's more intelligent. (Total stereotyping here
But I digress, if there was one thing I would consider to substantiate elitism, it would be a high level of knowledge in many different aspects of life.
That in essence is where elitism rises from, the notion that not everybody is equal. This doesn't have to be a value judgement of a person as a whole either, it can instead be an assessment of their skills. I am fairly useless with computers for example but can be an eloquent writer, this immediately places me below some in the field of IT and above others in the field of literature.
I wouldn't view you as elite though in the context that you are inherently better than anyone as you mentioned that you would be below someone in a particular field. Someone who considered themselves elite, would either deem IT irrelevant, or claim that they would be better than another if they desired to take up IT studies. But being qualified as elite in a particular field, I definitely agree with that.
I will agree though that unfounded elitism is irritating. Any moron can call themselves elite, but not everybody can demonstrate why.
It's even worse when they demonstrate unquestionably why they are not, yet still think they are.