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Events & Lessons...A Martyr in Glasgow, UK


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you....…Accepting the long awaited advent of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) is the blessings of Allah for Ahmadis who took his Bai'at. There are scattered people who did not took his Bai'at and increased in animosity…….. Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) explained matters in his writings, addresses and assemblies. Some of his guidance can be found in tradition of his companions. In this regard favour by Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) is the highest as he witnessed some events and also heard from other companions. The following lines are based on all this.

1=Worldly governments and their subjects do not pay rights of each other. People go on strikes.

The culture of Islam is built on justice and love. If Ahmadis participated in strikes in the life time of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) he used to discipline them strictly.

Ahmadis should not cause any loss to governmental properties if they are forced to join any such matters.

2= Despite very heavy responsibilities in spiritual and governance matters, Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) helped his wives in household works. He (s.a.w.) paid their rights, each of them felt she was (s.a.w.) center of attention…..In that region, where he (s.a.w.) lived, people would and still does attribute indolence to disease such as Malria.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) was always seen busy in his works. His son [Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.)] recalled that when he went to sleep he saw Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) working and when he woke up, he was seen working still….. Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) appreciated his proof readers so much that if the proof-reader came late at the time of Isha with the proof, the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) would get up to receive him and repeatedly thanked him……….Sometimes, despite ill health, he continued working during his strolls, he would discuss issues and answer questions.

Some people who inhabit regions where malaria is common, when they migrate to Europe they sit at home, watch TV or quarrelling with their wives or treating children in a manner that makes children weary. Such practice is not due to illness but is indolence. Some get government allowance. People should get rid of indolence.

3=Dower in Islamic marriage is called ‘haq mehr’. It is wife’s entitlement. It is money for her to keep and spend when there is a need for which she hesitates to ask for her husband's help or if the husband cannot meet some need. Her need could be anything, like helping a relative or someone else. This money is for her own use, emergency use, as and when she pleases…… Some people wrongly think haq mehr is payable in case of divorce or separation.

Instead paying haq mehr to wife, there are people who abuse this essential in various ways….A wife can forfeit her haq mehr but only after it is handed over to her.

4=A believer praises God when success comes but attributes failure to his own negligence.

5= When an only son of a woman asked her what he should bring for her when he would returns from war. She said she needed him only. On insistence of son, she said, Bring burnt parts (over cooked) parts of his bread for her. He brought back such parts of bread. He could not understand the wisdom of it……...She actually ensured he would cook properly and eat better food. When he came back, his health was good.

Like well cooked bread, a Prayer which is accepted requires some essential conditions which must be practiced. One should abide directives of God and then their Prayer is answered. May Allah enable us to abide by His commandments and may our Prayers are gain acceptance.

Funeral Prayer in absentia:

Syed Asadul Islam Shah of Glasgow, martyred on 24 March 2016 due to the action of an extremist. 'Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.' The press as well as Governmental departments have expressed shock and sympathy. It is for the Government to put in steps to contain the extremists here. If the clergies/maulawis are given free reign here, they will create the same disorder in this country as they do in other Muslim countries…..Asad Shah was regular member of Jama'at. He regularly attended Friday Prayers. Sometimes he underwent various phases of mental health problems which caused him to shift somewhat but the regional Amir Sahib has said that the last time they met he expressed his connection with Khilafat. There has been some misunderstanding by some that he had left the Jama'at, but he had not. He was an Ahmadi and was martyred because he was an Ahmadi. He was regular in attending Khuddam and Jama'at programmes till the end……Shams ud Din Sahib, missionary of Kababir writes that a few years ago he visited Asad Shah Sahib's house twice and once stayed overnight. During both visits Asad Sahib asked about Conveying Message and Jama'at matters and no worldly matter was discussed. Shams Sahib also found him offering Tahajjud both times. May Allah grant him Mughferat and mercy and grant steadfastness and peace to the all bereaved.

Based on parts of Friday sermon (April 1, 2016) by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V(may Allah Help him with His Mighty Help), UK, alislam.org and mta.tv