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Everlasting Eid: How? – Continuity – Eid Mubarak to All.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you….Ramadhan departed, Eid is celebrated. In this connection, many of us have desired to have true Eid. In this regard, they write to request Hazart Khalifah tul Messiah (may Allah be his helper) for prayers.

Many people have the concept that a true Eid means all troubles are over and everlasting pleasures are obtained.

A momin / believer believes that to get everlasting pleasures means to get pleasure of Allah and His bounties. But to get everlasting pleasures, everlasting Eid has to be prepared. Just having a thought of everlasting Eid or to pray for it does not bring everlasting Eid. True and everlasting Eid comes when its requirements are met.

Two Eids are celebrated every year; Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Adha. Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) has declared Friday as Eid also. Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that many people are ignorant of Eid of Friday.

In fact attention to two Eids is paid more than Friday Salaat… After Ramadhan, Eid ul Fitr comes and then after about 2 and ¼ months, there comes Eid ul Adha and about 10 months latter again Eid ul Fitr comes…..In comparison to this, Friday is the Eid granted by Allah, which comes after 7 day.

If obligations are not met which are made by Allah then His pleasure is not granted, and thus Eid ul Fitr, Eid ul Adha and Eid of Friday all remain temporary. The lesson in Eids is that we are granted opportunities to seek spiritual station and real pleasure in between the times of these Eids….. Mere celebration of these Eids-days do not bring that spiritual station. It would be like as if a student forgets to go to school after weekend holidays, their parents and teachers would be very unhappy and student would be chastised. Similarly, if a person thinks that Ramadhan has passed and worship and rights of people paid in Ramadhan were enough, Eid has been enjoyed; Friday Salaat has been offered and now there is no need to continue worship and do good deeds anymore, such a person will lose faith and will be fall from grace before Allah…..Thus these Eids are not occasions of celebrations only; these are temporary spiritual stations; these are mile stones which draw our attention toward continuity.

Hazrat Musleh Moud (r.a.) told a narrative that once a worker of Jama’at went to meet someone to get Chanda [prescribed monetary contribution] for needs of the Movement. The person, who was wealthy, replied that he had already given too much and he did not feel to offer anymore. After some times, people noticed that the man is not seen in collective Salaat any more. He was asked about it, answered that he had already offered enough Salaat; like government, God will give him pension……One issue lead him to commit sin and he considered that previous sacrifices were sufficient and he had reached high stations. With mercy of Allah, after sometime he passed away, as he then died at faith otherwise he might have died faithless.

There are many examples like this. People serve faith with zeal for some time and present sacrifice, then they begin to draw back. There may be any reason such as conduct of some office-holder or any other reason. When some people are not assigned work according to their like, first they apologize then they lag in offering financial sacrifice and then they come to mosque lesser and show other withdrawal symptoms. Whatever maybe the reason but a faithful should never withdraw from faith as deeds should be done for the sake of Allah and not for self. Lack of steadfastness in doing virtues deprives one of blessings of Allah. Weakness in worship and lack of care of paying rights of people becomes visible within days and weakness in faith is seen too.

Thus this Eid should draw our attention to how to make it everlasting; walking on which paths will bring blessings from Allah always? ….. Allah always wants to grant servants without measure. He likes to home them in eternal paradise and bestow on them lasting rewards. God in Islam is not like the God presented in some religions Who is unable to give eternal paradise because of fear of finish of the treasure lack of space in paradise. Allah grants unlimited paradise; steadfastness is a condition.


[11:109] But as for those who will prove fortunate, they shall be in Heaven; abiding therein so long as the heavens and the earth endure, excepting what thy Lord may will — a gift that shall not be cut off.

This is our God Whose reward will be eternal. This is everlasting true Eid for believers. This is the station of true servant of Allah. This paradise is granted after continuous service. If one discontinues one’s spiritual services, one loses one’s basic station. People are unaware of truth of this fundamental. So called spiritual leaders [Pir, Faqir] have taught their followers that they do not need continuous effort to achieve a special spiritual station. When needed, the only reference of so called spiritual leader or his given amulet [Ta’weez] will suffice to get bounties of Allah.

Hazrat Musleh Moud, Khalifa tul Messiah II (r.a.) narrated that a person asked him that if one is reached to the river side in a boat, what should he do? There were two possible answers; either he should remain sitting or get off. If Huzur (r.a.) had answered he should get off at the river bank, the man would have said that it meant if one had met God, one need no more deeds. Allah the Exalted dawned the reality of man’s question in the heart of Huzur (r.a) and he replied that if the river had a bank, then the man may get off but if the river has no bank then he would be drowned as soon as he would get off at any spot. The surprised man remained silent for a while and pondered, then he uttered, ‘It means that we have to continue worships for ever.’……….In a similar incidence, Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah I (r.a.) said that his sister followed a so called Pir and he had assured her that deeds were not needed and if God would ask any questions after she died, she could just tell God the name of Pir.

Therefore it is wrong to infer that if one has gotten nearness of God, Salaat, Fasting, Zakaat and other essentials are not needed anymore. There are people who are not followers of such Pirs but they are under influence of their thoughts; they offer Salaat, Zakaat and alms for few days and then they stop…….Do they do same in their worldly affairs? Do they eat for few days, wear clothes for few day and then stop?......As food and other physical necessities are essential for body, directives of Divine law / Shariah are vital for spiritual needs.

After seeing few dreams, some people start to think that now they have a connection with God and now they do not need to strive to pay rights of God and rights of people; they feel they do not need system of Jama'at and Khilafat. Such people eventually lose spiritual aspect of life…..They are one whose Eid is temporary.

Everlasting Eid is for one who dies before death; he or she is the person who lives each moment of life according to the pleasure of God and does offer continuous deeds……Deeds are not punishment, they are nourishment. As good food helps a wrestler to improve his health, spiritual food [practicing Allah’s commandments] improves spiritual health. Good deeds should not be abolished.

On the Eid day, more deeds are done; six Salaat are offered instead of five daily Salaat. Islam and spiritual Eid means more work. The link of continuity in work extends into the life in the next world:


[36:56] Verily the inmates of Heaven will, on that day, be happy in (their) occupation.

Divine remembrance is their work. Their reward will be eternal. Eternal reward is granted to those who dies before death. Their ‘yomul ba-ath’ i.e. the day of raising up comes in this life. It is mentioned in:


[7:15] He [Satan] said, ‘Grant me respite till the day when they will be raised up.’

‘yomul ba-ath’ is different for various people. Some have it in this life, for others it will come in Hereafter. Beloveds of Allah get it in this life. ‘yomul ba-ath’ of Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) came in this world. His everlasting Eid started from this life. Did he stop doing all good deeds? No, instead, he increased in offering extra worship [nawafil] in addition to obligatory worships. In this era, his ardent devotee Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) came. Did he stop offering worship, stop spreading message of Allah, stop serving humanity? No, instead, he enhanced his deeds. These deeds amplify bliss.

True momin / believer feels happiness on Eid day after offering Eid Salaat. But those who have no understanding, they feel burden in offering additional Salaat. For them Eid means wearing new dress, eating and enjoying. Deeds are felt as trouble to those whose ‘yomul ba-ath’ has not come yet.

There are people who love their profession. Doctors, Engineers and others feel delight in doing their works. Some of them feel happiness when they offer humanitarian services. Ahmadiyya Muslim Engineers serve voluntarily in Africa for 18 hours daily. Then they are ready for next project……Real bliss comes when a person does not get tired in serving day and night. When deeds produce liveliness in heart, actions become cause of joy. If heart is not happy, each act gives pain.

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Peace be upon you.

Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) has associated bliss of heart with Eman [Faith]……The true Eid means the state when believer feel ecstasy in doing deeds ; service is not felt burden; continuity come in worships, happiness is generated after offering sacrifice for Allah, people and system of Jama'at. Such a person has everlasting Eid.

Sahabah [Companions] of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) offered volunteer sacrifices with open heart for long times, there was no compulsion…There was Companion who believed from the childhood. He used to be darling of parents but after he became Muslim, parents misbehaved with him. Mother would toss bread in front of him so that utensils may not become impure by a believer’s touch [now a days, it so happens with Ahmadiyya Muslims at some places]. The boy remain steadfast at his faith. Eventually his own parents expelled him from the house and said that if he would like to come back, he would have to leave Muhammad [(s.a.w.) - Messenger of Allah]. He left home, not Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him). He migrated to Habshah [Ethiopia]….After several years of separtion, mother called him for meeting. She expected softness in boy’s position. She embraced her son with love and said, ‘Son now you should not go that Sabi.’ [She meant Holy Prophet (s.a.w.); they used to call ‘Sabi’ a person who had left his previous religion]. The son said her condition is same and he could not leave Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). He left for ever.

True Eid is the action or sacrifice, which is offered by the believer with bliss, they are ever ready to offer sacrifice even if they have to jump in the fire. They do not think to abandon deeds. If this state is achieved, Eid of a person or nation becomes true Eid. Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) came to produce this true Eid. Jama'at understands this spirit of offering actions and sacrifice. They offer financial sacrifices. They need more to understand the importance of continuous worship. Their focus on worships should continue after the Ramadhan too. They should improve in sacrifice of time, they should pay more attention in offering five daily Salaat so that they become among people of paradise whose morning is Eid and evening is Eid.

Along with financial sacrifices, Jama'at is also giving sacrifices of lives. Time and again, they are being martyred but they do not leave faith. Few days ago, two little girls and a woman were martyred. Homes on street were looted and set on fire. Allah says about martyrs: “……..bal ahyaun enda rabbehim yurzaqoon.” [3:170] ‘….Nay, they are living (and) they are being nourished in the presence of their Lord.’……..May Allah bestow the pure effects of their sacrifice to their dears, relatives and all Jama'at. Departing of own people is not common grief, especially the sorrow of mother who lost little girls one day before Eid at the hands of barbaric people. May Allah the Exalted check such people who gave pain of children to mother. May He grant patience to grieved ones. May He grant better replacement. Likewise, pray for wounded ones for quick and perfect recovery. A woman is in serious condition as her unborn baby was lost. May Allah exalt the station of martyrs. May bring extraordinary victory to Ahamdiyya Islam soon – the real Eid, for which Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was sent….Pray for captives-of-faith, presenters of financial sacrifices, martyrs, life-devotees-for-faith, volunteer doing services and all; May Allah fulfill needs of everyone and solve problems. May Allah, enable us to follow His directives so that we have real Eid and we make real Eid so that we are enabled to wave the flag of Hazrat Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) – The Messenger of Allah, over the world. May we celebrate that Eid which keeps s believer in constant action and which is our purpose. May Allah the Exalted enable us. Gift of Eid-Mubark to everone. Allah the Exalted save everyone from each grief and grant real bliss.[Aameen]

Reference: Eid ul Fitr Sermon (30 July 2014), by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), UK, MTA.TV