The is suggestion some experiences can influence subsequent generations. For example "mice trained to fear a specific smell passed on their trained aversion to their descendants, which were then extremely sensitive and fearful of the same smell, even though they had never encountered it, nor been trained to fear it.". Research has also concluded The researchers "the experiences of a parent, even before conceiving, markedly influence both structure and function in the nervous system of subsequent generations".
The dreams could be a "collective memory" of the trauma of that time, and not from a single chain of "souls" or past lives.
I agree, although "remembering" past lives could be evidence of past lives. Not necessarily of your own, and perhaps not of the person you are dreaming about either. Whilst I agree everyone can't be "remembering" they are Julius Ceaser, I do believe many are remembering those people who were around him, seeing Caeser first hand, and being directly involved in his life to help him accomplish what he set out to do.
Once upon a time, a woman friend of mine was on my massage table and she said she was getting an imagine of a woman, and asked her toa sk thye woman if she was an ally, and my friend said she heard the woman say, “Yet,” and I asked my friend if she wanted to ask the woman if she had anything she wanted to say, and m friend said she wasn’t sure, and I wait and she said, okay, and she asked the woman if she had anything to say, and my friend then started crying and shaking, and I asked her what that was about? She said the woman had told her, “You abandoned your children in 1863.”
That was in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
I moved to Boulder, Colorado, but sometimes drove back to Santa Fe to see friends there, including her. During one visit, she introduced me to a Hawiian man she had met and was dating. It got serious. Then, they were engaged, and he was back in on the Big Island, Hawaii, waiting on her to come be with him.
One day she called me in Boulder, all out of sorts. Her hair was falling out, she was losing wight, she had pimples on her face, and what seemed most distressing to her was she said she no longer could manifest what she wanted to happen. I asked her if she was trying to get out of marrying him. She admitted she was. I said, well, look at what that caused. She groaned. She called him and made a date to come join him. Her symptoms left.
Unrelated, if you believe in such, my lady at the time and I flew to the Big Island for a vacation, I called my friends boyfriend and we drove the rental car to where he worked and had a short visit, then we left. My wife flew back to Boulder nd I stayed behind for rew days. He He allied andnvited me to drive up for dinner, and I did that. While he was cooking dinner, his bride to be, my friend, called him and I could tell by how the conversation was going that she was trying to back out, and he was being very easy with her but not saying okay. Finally, I asked him to hand me the telephone, and when I did, I said, “Hi, Linda, it’s me.” And she said, “What are you doing there?” And I said, You are trying to get out of it again, and you forgot what happened when you did that before? Come on out here and marry him, and if doesn’t work out, you can get a divorce.” She said, “Okay,” and that’s what she did, and they got married, and eventually they had a child.