Were you at Waterloo? Does that mean either that you are Napoleon or that there was no Napoleon?
Unlike Jesus, we have first person, written, eyewitness accounts of Napoleon, from verifiable authors, as well as birth and baptismal records, thousands of letters, diaries, portraits and newspaper articles, not just from him and his intimates, but from all over Europe. Napoleon is very well documented.
Hundreds of people witnessing something and may dying to attest to what they saw is not some 'report'.
Are there any written, eyewitness accounts of Jesus, or just reports written decades later of Christians and christian doctrine?
There are no diaries, or letters, or portraits or official, eyewitness reports surviving. The reports of his life are usually of uncertain origin and provenance. Reports of him are hearsay.
We have more, and more reliable evidence of Muhammad and Baha'u'llah than we have of Jesus.
The verse told us. If we do what He said, we will know. What He askes is that we believe and ask Him into our lives.
If it were this easy to obtain 'Jesus-consciousness' why is this mystical knowledge not near universal?
If it were so clear and unambiguous, why is there so much disagreement amongst Christians? Why do so many Christians lose their faith if, as you say, it's actually
Why do adherents of other religions assert pretty much the same thing about
their chosen faiths?
Nonsense. Jesus had followers, and relatives, one for example that became a leader in the early church.
Please read what the Christian scholars and historians say.
None of his friends and family left first-person accounts. We generally can't even verify the identities of those writing the stories about him.
Not really. Creation shouts out that there is.
It would seem so, at a casual glance. And Christians have been using these arguments from ignorance and incredulity for centuries -- as have Hindus, Muslims, &c.
Recently, though, we've developed a powerful research and testing modality that explains all these wonders of creation as natural phenomena, created by ordinary chemistry, geology or physics, with no need to appeal to magical "explanations."
Empirical is just a silly buzz term for fitting into your religious boxed beliefs.
We keep telling you that you don't understand evidence, or critical analysis, or logic; that you're not good at seeing connections or understanding analogies, or grasping explanations when given.
And with statements like this, you keep verifying it.