You shouldn't make such an accusation while providing such a worthless reference. I likewise know that you are just talking nonsense, but I present argumentation in the topic with my accusation.
Your reference, it is just a matter of interpretation of words like "beneficial" or "attractive", if or not it is social darwinism.
And seeing as that evolutionists generally oppose creationism, which is the only philosophy which distinguishes and validates both fact and opinion, the intended interpretation must then be towards social darwinism, althought the correct interpretation is not social darwinism. The article refers to creationism being illegal to teach in public shools currently.
Anthropology used to be generally social darwinist, they were mostly racists. They still use the same structure of racism, but now on an individual and humanity level. So instead of saying this race-group is prone to hate, they say this individual is prone to hate, or might argue humanity in general is prone to hate. The very little reading I did on anthropology just now, I found some quotation that anthropologists are generally compatibilists on the free will issue. Compatibilism is most championed by Dennett, who emphasizes he could not have done other than he did. Dennet just uses the selectionist concept of choosing. Sometimes he adds a sor of creationist freedom to the concept in talking about "randomness" giving rise to the options which are selected. This randomness apparently can turn out one of many ways. But this is an add on which is no essential part of his concept of choosing, as he posits there are also choices in which this randomness plays no role. It is a complex way of choosing, and not the fundamental concept of choosing. The sortingcriteria in the selection process are then the social darwinist knowledge of good and evil.
So points 1 and 2 apply to anthropologists, just as it does evolution scientists generally. They throw out all knowledge of decisions made, and they promote a social darwinist concept of choosing instead.