So, anyways, with evolution, we supposedly have very 'fast' changes relatively speaking, in basic appearance, (think human variation) anyways, why not more variation? This question occurred to me a while back, and it isn't totally answered imo, there really doesn't seem to be a reason' for the limitations we observe in general.
Why not MORE variation?
I have to say, I don't know exactly how much experience you have in the area of biodiversity, but given what I know about biodiversity... well, it's HUGE!
We have an enormous diversity of life on this planet! If you include all the extinct species, I'm not sure I can agree with your assesment that we should have "more".
Or do you mean diversity within a species?
Well, there I personally (simply going by intuition here) wouldn't expect huge diversity, given that natural selection is a thing... One would expect to have very little diversity.
Of course, I'm aware that there are benefits for a high diversity inside a species, and there are models to explain a stable rate of diversity in a species...
And we actually DO have a fairly big diversity in most species! Heck, just take humans:
Look at how different we all are! It's extraordinary! And yet, we belong to a species that is actually geneticly speaking not that diverse!
So, I really don't know what you mean when you ask for MORE diversity. I'm sometimes baffled, by how much there actually is out there, and you say that there had to be MORE?