The only thing you said right, is "I don't understand".
Time and time again, people have been explains to you the differences between usual use of the word “theory” and scientific theory used by scientists, the differences between theory and hypothesis, between evidence and proof, between evidence and faith, between fact and faith, between experimental science and theoretical science, and so on...and so on, for the last 5 years, and like every other creationists here, you still haven’t learn a damn thing about what constitute science, fact or evidence.
You don’t understand science, BB. And apparently you never will.
Even to this day, you are still equating atheism and science as one and the same.
Atheism only deal with the question of the "existence of a deity or deities", and nothing else.
Atheism have nothing to do with science. Theism and agnosticism also have nothing to do with science. All three only concern themselves with theism, which is the "existence of deity":
- Theists believe in deity's existence,
- atheists don't believe in deity's existence,
- and agnostics think the existence of deity is unknowable.
Where belief concerns with "faith",
- theists have the conviction that their belief is true,
- atheists have no conviction to that belief,
- and agnostics...well, agnostics are a mixed bag, because some lean towards theism, while others lean toward, so whether they have "faith" or not, depends on the individual agnostics.
Science don't deal with the question of deities at all, because any deity isn't falsifiable; "falsifiable", meaning you cannot test a god, you cannot do experiment on any god, you cannot measure or quantify god, you cannot detect god, etc.
In science, atheism, theism, agnosticism, belief in god or no belief in god, religions and spirituality, they are all irrelevant because they are UNTESTABLE.
Falsifiable mean the ability to TEST and REFUTE any statement or assertion, being able to QUESTION or CHALLENGE the hypothesis or theory.
When scientists do their experiments, they are not merely trying to validate their hypotheses. The main purpose is to refute the hypotheses, to challenge it.
Science, especially those with "scientific theory" that is backed by verifiable evidences, are falsifiable, because scientific theory has been questioned, challenged and tested, and because of that, science isn't "axiomatic".
As to math and logic. Yes, there are some maths and logic involved in science, but for those have evidence-backed scientific theories, math isn't higher priority than the evidences.
It is evidence (a number of evidences) that can turn a “potential” hypothesis into a fully-fledged “SCIENTIFIC THEORY”.
And only experimental or empirical science (eg scientific theory substantiated by empirical evidences) are the real science.
Without the evidences, the hypotheses are -
- either proven by mathematical statements (solution from complex equations),
- or refuted hypotheses, thus unscientific explanation,
- or worse, refuted and fall under the category of “pseudoscience”.
When you think of science as been made up of only math and logic, I believe that you a mistaken scientific theory (from empirical science) with proof-based theoretical science (point 1, in the above list, “proven by mathematical statements”).
As I have said many times before, proofs are not the same as evidences.
Proof is a logical or mathematical statements or explanations used in THEORETICAL SCIENCE, like theoretical physics; examples of fields in theoretical physics:
- String Theory (also known as “bosonic string theory”, which also include the infamous M-theory).
- Superstring Theory (based on the highly theoretical “Supersymmetry”).
- The variety of Multiverse models.
- Oscillating cosmological model (also known as the Big Bounce), which the universe undergo a series of Big Bang and Big Crunch.
These fields tends to work with complex logical models and with mathematical equations (hence labeled as “mathematical proof”), but they have the tendencies to be untestable (ie no evidences).
These theoretical fields may name it “Theory”, but they are not “Scientific Theory”, because of the fact they cannot be tested and verified.
I don’t consider theoretical science to be “real science”, because it cannot meet the requirements of Scientific Method.
Even with theoretical fields, the proof-based theories are not “axiomatic”, because they also be challenged.
Nothing in science, whether it be experimental/empirical or theoretical, are not unquestionable.
New evidences can update existing scientific theories, or replace existing theory with new ones. And new equations can either replace or expand existing theoretical models.
In my previous list of points, Creationism (of any kind) and Intelligent Design, do not even fit the bill of being theoretical science, because of the faith-based belief in the imaginary “Creator”, “God” and “Designer”, thus ID and Creationism fall into the category of being “pseudoscience” (point 3).
Creationism and ID are akin to other pseudoscience, like alchemy, divination, numerology, astrology, alien abductions, fairies.
I don’t expect you to learn anything today, since you can’t seem to even grasp the basic differences between the empirical and theoretical.