Cult Survivor/Fundamentalist Pentecostal Apostate
It seems to me that faith is the father/mother of fact and in fact in order to trust a fact one must have faith in it. So why the war, why do the sons and daughters of faith and the sons and daughters of fact fight with each other, they're so intricately intertwined, is it because some one has to be on top?
So once again, we redefine "faith" in order to make "faith" and "fact" fit.
This depends entirely on how you define "faith".
Exactly. In equating "faith" and "fact", what will inevitably happen (as is happening now) is a pointless discussion about semantics and nothing more.
Yes it does, doesn't it? So why not try the most simplest and see if it walks?
Because the simplest definition of faith does not equate to the type of faith alluded to with religious doctrine. I need no faith to know that an airplane will fly; but I have to have plenty of faith to believe that Muhammad rode a winged horse.
Yes without faith you can't have fact but people equate faith with religious faith and adding that word religious to it changes its whole meaning. While you need faith for fact you do not need religious faith.
Bullocks. It requires no faith whatsoever to know that I will hit the ground if I fall off a ladder. This is a 'fact". It requires tons of faith to believe that should I ever fall off a later Guardian Angels will watch out over me. This is "faith".