Fair question.It seems to me that faith is the father/mother of fact and in fact in order to trust a fact one must have faith in it. So why the war, why do the sons and daughters of faith and the sons and daughters of fact fight with each other, they're so intricately intertwined, is it because some one has to be on top?
It's simply that rational enquiry, of which scientific method is a subset, works by arguing honestly and transparently from examinable evidence, and so can be shown to more correct or less correct in an objective manner. It's the quality of falsifiability that encourages faith in it.
That faith isn't a blind faith, but a reasoned one.
Contrast religion. In a room full of learned representatives from, say, fifty large Christian denominations, or FitzGerald's 'two-and-seventy jarring sects' of Islam (in his Omar Khayyám), not only is there no objective way to tell whether any of them makes correct supernatural claims, and if so, which, but there isn't even a definition of 'god' or 'supernatural' / 'spiritual' / 'immaterial' that's useful to reasoned enquiry. None of them can be shown to be 'true' ie to accurately reflect objective reality.