My own religion
The reason people believe in these is because there is evidence supporting their existence.
Yes, I get that.
And here is the limit of that evidence.
Science has limits: A few things that science does not do
In part:
Science doesn't make moral judgments
When is euthanasia the right thing to do? What universal rights should humans have? Should other animals have rights? Questions like these are important, but scientific research will not answer them. Science can help us learn about terminal illnesses and the history of human and animal rights — and that knowledge can inform our opinions and decisions. But ultimately, individual people must make moral judgments. Science helps us describe how the world is, but it cannot make any judgments about whether that state of affairs is right, wrong, good, or bad.
A part of how the world is, is that e.g. I am religious. I can even test that. And that exists as a part of the world.
But science cannot make any judgments about whether that state of affairs is right, wrong, good, or bad.
That is in the everyday world the limit of evidence. It is a fact, which can be established using science and evidence, that I am religious.
I know this with knowledge and I have stated a fact about a part of the world.
Now what?
Well, you can't use science now, because science informs that indeed that religion is a part of the world and it is fact, that I can be and am religious.