It doesn't that was my point. The point is those are mythos not logos. Logos pertains to the physical world.
Jormungandr exists as a spirit not physical entity.
Jormungandr is mythos, not logos.
Karen Armstrong: Should we believe in belief?: Confusion by Christians between belief and reason has created bad science and inept religion
"In most pre-modern cultures, there were two recognised ways of attaining truth. The Greeks called them mythos and logos. Both were crucial and each had its particular sphere of competence. Logos ("reason; science") was the pragmatic mode of thought that enabled us to control our environment and function in the world. It had, therefore, to correspond accurately to external realities. But logos could not assuage human grief or give people intimations that their lives had meaning. For that they turned to mythos, an early form of psychology, which dealt with the more elusive aspects of human experience."