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fantasy pirate role playing game - character creation


Flaming Queer
hey everyone!

i want to host an online role playing game based on 16th century pirates but with a fantasy theme. i would like the people who want to join to be active members of the forum, ie will be online certainly once a day, if not more, in order to keep the game moving along.

if you want to join, you will have to create a character, you can use my character as a template creation as an example template of how to create your own character.

1) character name: if everyone keeps their character's name to a variation of their screen name that would be great. my Character will be called Mike, and as the Game Master (GM) i will be the Captain of the Ship.

2) Gender: my character will be male (this doesn't need to be your real life gender though)

3) Age: my character is aged 37 (again, this doesn't need to be your real life age)

4) race: all fantasy races are allowed in this game - Elfs, Dwarfs, Humans, Centaurs, Fauns, half man half goats (there is a name for them but i can't remember it) or anything else i have missed that is a fantasy race. my character will be a Harpy. Harpies are taller than dwarfs, but shorter than humans, and have wings so they can fly.

5) abilities: my character works primarily with fire magic and astrology, his closeness to nature makes him very good at detecting things that are potentially out of place. Harpies have less strength than dwarfs and humans, though they have higher brain power for reason and intuition. Harpies also heal a lot faster than Humans do.

other abilities would be an intellect, fighter, muse, magician - and choose a specific field within these to specialise in. for intellects and muses, you can choose to have experience in fighting skills or magic skills, but they will be less than someone who is a fighter or magical type.

6) Personality: my character is very open minded to all races that want to work under him on his ship, but is not open to slackers or people who aren't pulling their weight. he is a private person, it takes people a long time to get close to him, but when people are close to him they find that his friendship can benefit them greatly. he can be very stern, but is always fair to those who haven't crossed him.

7) religion: my character follows the magical customs of his tribe, but other than that has no real want or need for religion.

the dominant religion in the known world at the time is Christianity. if someone wants to play the role of ship priest i would appreciate it, but if not, then i will play one into the game anyway, though it really would help if someone did play priest for me. the priest gets a few special perks ;)

8) position: other than the Priest character and the Captain, everyone else will join the game as a new ship mate. the ship is docked in Portugal at the moment, and due to some trouble on the last voyage, the Captain is recruiting new ship mates to replace the 'available positions'. the Captain is not telling any of the new recruits what the exact troubles were, and what is left of the crew are also very reluctant to talk about it.

if i think of anything else i need for character creation i will ask you for it in the thread.

i'll post a bit about how the story will work as an online role playing game soon, when we have people signed up. i'll leave it open for a day or two for people to join, but seeing as i am looking for active members to play the game, i'm not leaving it any longer than that. i can work more members into the game later if needed.


Flaming Queer
main weaponry is basic pistols and muskets, cross bows and long bows, and then also short range weapons like swords, axes etc.

there are plenty of these on ship for people to use


Well-Known Member
i'm up for it!

name: Zayl (surprise!!)
age: unknown
race: formerly human, now Lich.
gender: Male
Abilities: sensing of death and the use of death, temporary re-animation of good conditioned corpses (not too much decay) the summoning of spirits for insight, and the tendancy to pop up anywhere when you least expect it. heals very slowly, but is very, very hard to kill.
personality: quiet, dark, and often brooding away in his room in the bowels of the ship. has very few friends and prefers to be alone. and is deadly to his enemies.
Religion: no one knows much about it except him. but is willing to talk about it.
position: content to tag along for the journey, motives unknown. but follows orders.


Flaming Queer
Zayl, what does your character look like? welcome aboard, i'm sure your talents will be put to good use.


Moved on
Name: Grote Hans
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Race: Human
Abilities: Hans is a large man, approaching 6 and a half feet, and his size and strength has stricken fear into many men's hearts. He is also a capable seaman who has served many crews, both civilian and military. Where he sails the fish seem to follow, and although every ship he has crewed has been sunk under mysterious conditions, he has always left unharmed.
Personality: Hans is generally a quiet man, but a few drinks will usually open him up a bit. He is often closed-minded and will occasionally react in a hostile manner to those he percieves as "weird". He is a hard worker and expects the rest of his crew to be the same, or else...
Religion: Although Grote Hans isn't very open about his religion (or anything else for that matter), he has been witnessed making sacrifices to the sea god Njǫrðr.
Position: Hans is a new shipmate willing to take nearly any position on a ship if the pay is right.

Appearance: Hans is 6 1/2 feet tall with long blond hair and icy blue eyes. His clothes are simple and torn, and his beard gives him the appearance of a weathered man of the sea. His large, calloused hands are usually dirty, but considering his strength, few would call him on it.


Flaming Queer
sorry, i actually forgot to put appearance on the list!

with my character being a Harpy, this is the official picture from Wiki:

however, think of harpies as being more human like than chicken like. being a feathered creature, i don't need clothes, though i wear a light, black cape that i fasten with silver clip which wraps round me and hides my wing arms when i am not flying, and it also has a hood. i also wear a leather belt round my waste that holds a short sword and a pistol.

the hair on my head is long, wavy and black, i look fairly well defined with a nice muscle structure underneath the feathers, but again i'm certainly not as strong as a human would be.


Obstructor of justice
Name: Tah'Vraay (llama isn't a very good name)

Gender: Female

Age: 30

Race: Elven

Abilities: No magical abilities, but agile, and skilled in hand to hand combat, and Weapons. She prefers firearms to pokey weapons and bows, but she can use just about anything.
She is also familiar with first aid, and herbalism.

Has the power to awe cabin boys from 20 feet.

Personality: She is witty, and somewhat brash, an "act now, and maybe think later" type. Vraay is free-spirited and prefers to stretch the rules rather than be bound by them. Though she is (generally) optimistic, and friendly, she is often restless, and unfamiliar with tact. She's also very energetic.

She is generally friendly and good-humored, but is often nervous around magic users, since she is less able to defend herself against them.

Appearance: Vraay is average size for an elf, standing at about 5'8", and muscular. She has light blue skin, a stark contrast to her bright red hair, which is usually kept back in a braid. Her clothes are modest, usually donning a simple bodice, leggings and boots, but adorned in gold jewelry, and an impressive set of arms - two pistols, a broadsword, and a boot dagger are on her at all times (hey, you never know...). Vraay has long legs, and is quite attractive despite her less than lean (and more muscular) figure.
Religion: None

Position: Will navigate for ammo. =D


Well-Known Member
Name: Lex

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Race: Half-elf

Abilities: Obviously agile due to being part elf. Lex is also very cunning and seductive which helps keep her out of trouble. She carries a pair of Florentine rapiers and a dueling pistol.

Personality: Despite being flirty, people find they don't really know much about Lex. She's a bit of an enigma, not letting anyone too close. She loves drinking and dancing and all kinds of revelry though so most people find her mysterious nature that much more exciting.

Religion: Lex is sort of eclectic. She's spiritual but you could never pinpoint one particular belief system.

Appearance: Lex is on the tall side for a half-elf and is rather slim. She prefers to be a bit flashy with the pirate clothes. I mean, the clothing is part of the pirate package, right? She has long curly blond hair and green eyes.

Position: All of them if you could manage to get her all the way to your quarters. ;)


Well-Known Member
1) character name: Nuts

2) Gender: Male

3) Age: 42

4) race: Human

5) abilities: Pure fighter. No magic. He's along for the fight and to represent God and that's it. Is skilled with the largest weapons available, but his fists will do just fine. He believes everyon deserves a slice of humble pie.

6) Personality: Jovial on the outside - tormented on the inside. Is usually the life of the party, but slips into severe melancholoy from time to time.

7) religion: Disgruntled priest, but devoted to the Church, nonetheless. He was training to be a priest, but left his training to have a relationship with a half-elf. They had a son, but she took the son and left him when the boy was only 3. It's been 15 years since then. During that time he returned to his priestly training and was eventually ordained. The Church wanted to throw him out, but felt they "owed" him because he had saved a Bishop's life before.

8) position: Priest.

9) appearance: Fairly tall and thick. Balding. Wears a broken cross around his neck. Imagine the priest from Baz Luhrman's Romeo and Juliet (the Leonardo DiCaprio one).


Moved on
1) character name: Nuts

2) Gender: Male

3) Age: 42

4) race: Human

5) abilities: Pure fighter. No magic or special skills. He's along for the fight and that's it. Is skilled with the largest weapons available, but his fists will do just fine.

6) Personality: Jovial on the outside - tormented on the inside. Is usually the life of the party, but slips into severe melancholoy from time to time.

7) religion: Was training to be a priest, but left his training to have a relationship with a half-elf. They had a son, but she took the son and left him when the boy was only 3. It's been 15 years since then. He never returned to the Church.

8) position: Has served as captain's body guard in the past, but is willing to do whatever his captain wants.

9) appearance: Fairly tall and thick. Multiple scars from multiple fights. Light brown hair to his shoulders. Both ears pierced. Wears a broken cross around his neck.
Get me drunk enough and we should get along just fine!


Admiral Obvious
character name:



Human form, covered head to toe with dark purple (almost black) scales, no wings, two and a half foot long tail, 5 foot 4 inches tall, muscular

Immune to magic effectssee note below, however he is unable to use magic either.
Meat shield mainly, scales and magic immunity normally puts him on the front lines
melee weapons with a specialty in long handled weapons. Extremely effective using talon like hands but prefers not to.

Believes himself to be invincible and hides his weaknesses extremely well.
Quiet and shy, it takes a while to get him to open up, but once he does he tends to speak his mind

follows the customs of his Clan, but other than that has no real want or need for religion.

The immunity to magic does not extend to the results of magic, I.E. if the ground under his feet is turned to quicksand he will sink.


Flaming Queer

i could still do with a Priest if anyone wants to take that role, but i can work around it if not :shrug:

i'll leave this open for probably about another 12 hours


Well-Known Member
OK, Mike, I'll bite. I've edited my character. He's now a priest. A bit rough around the edges, but a priest, nonetheless.


Flaming Queer
OK, Mike, I'll bite. I've edited my character. He's now a priest. A bit rough around the edges, but a priest, nonetheless.

that is great! as a priest you get a bonus in awareness, intelligence and literature should you choose to use them, a good set of quarters, and a better pay arrangement than the rest of the crew :)