I hope you understand that JW's have no need to bring religion into schools. We educate our children at home and at our Christian meetings. We are not science deniers, because what science can prove is marvellous. It's what science can't prove and promotes as facts that we have disagreement with.
Schools can teach evolution to our children but we will equip them with the knowledge that science cannot teach them. We can explain the wonderful designs in nature and help them appreciate that what science believes about evolution is based on nothing but supposition. Evolution on the scale suggested is a belief, not a proven fact.
Unlike Americans, Australians don't have much in the way of religious beliefs. We are quite a secular nation. So science doesn't have much opposition here. Perhaps you live in the wrong country?
Just having spirituality is not what really matters, because that can be exploited by the devil in our belief system. His main aim is to get people on the wrong road.
I think you are misunderstanding what I mean about spiritual vision...."eyes of faith" can perceive things that a non-spiritual person cannot. We are alien to those who evaluate everything on a physical level. We don't speak the same language.
But like a person born color blind, someone can provide them with special glasses, then they can see what others see. It happens sometimes that a pair of 'spiritual' glasses can be given to some people....giving them spiritual vision that wasn't there before. I have seen it happen.
Again that is not surprising to those who know the Bible.
There is only one road to life.....some paths are used as a decoy, created by God's enemy to lure the Biblically uneducated. Again this will be "foolishness" to a physical man, but it explains why there are so many paths to choose from. All roads do not lead to Rome. Without God guiding us in the process, people end up going in the opposite direction.
I don't expect you to appreciate any of this, but this is what I believe.