Fear is a powerful and driving emotion...
One of the most powerful forces a human deals with on the psychic and spiritual realm.
We see fear used to direct and control groups of people all the time within modern politics and even religion.
I am under the impression that like the dualistic nature of the perceived universe itself, every emotion has an opposite that can balance it.
But what is the opposite of Fear?
I've heard some say it's Love, but doing something because you love another or yourself, does not negate the fear.
Courage? I don't think it's that either because even the brave and courageous are often still fearful.
I propose that the opposite of Fear is actually knowledge and understanding.
Because it is through knowledge that the fear of a thing or an event begins to lessen.
One of the most powerful forces a human deals with on the psychic and spiritual realm.
We see fear used to direct and control groups of people all the time within modern politics and even religion.
I am under the impression that like the dualistic nature of the perceived universe itself, every emotion has an opposite that can balance it.
But what is the opposite of Fear?
I've heard some say it's Love, but doing something because you love another or yourself, does not negate the fear.
Courage? I don't think it's that either because even the brave and courageous are often still fearful.
I propose that the opposite of Fear is actually knowledge and understanding.
Because it is through knowledge that the fear of a thing or an event begins to lessen.