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Feeling of sadness

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Active Member
It is a shame..

If we don't know that Indonesia is the biggest islamic country

If we don't know that we have more than 200 millions muslims in India.

If we don't know that we have brothers in Bosnia.

Do you know why Islamic Ommah is weak nowadays?

Because some think that the arabic union is better than Islamic union?

Because some think that Islam is just 5 prays a day and say alot of du'aa and leave the life and Its beauty like some sufis... We leave the science.. We leave the working in this life...

I feel sad for what we are doing... I feel sad for us.

We can return if we back with open minded to our Kitab and Sunnah like the first muslims.


Veteran Member
It is a shame..

If we don't know that Indonesia is the biggest islamic country

If we don't know that we have more than 200 millions muslims in India.

If we don't know that we have brothers in Bosnia.

Do you know why Islamic Ommah is weak nowadays?

Because some think that the arabic union is better than Islamic union?

Because some think that Islam is just 5 prays a day and say alot of du'aa and leave the life and Its beauty like some sufis... We leave the science.. We leave the working in this life...

I feel sad for what we are doing... I feel sad for us.

We can return if we back with open minded to our Kitab and Sunnah like the first muslims.


Satan made people forget about some facts. thanks to satan people believe there are 5 obligations in Islam to enter the heaven. in fact there are seven. the two of them covered by satan. if it's still known Islamic countries could be better in every sense.

i do wish for the same, peace for all humanity. without Islam it wouldnot be possible.

those days arenot too far away moegypt.


Active Member

Satan made people forget about some facts. thanks to satan people believe there are 5 obligations in Islam to enter the heaven. in fact there are seven. the two of them covered by satan. if it's still known Islamic countries could be better in every sense.

i do wish for the same, peace for all humanity. without Islam it wouldnot be possible.

those days arenot too far away moegypt.

Perhaps, because of the shaytaan, people have added two more. Allahul musta'aan. What are they anyway?


Veteran Member
Perhaps, because of the shaytaan, people have added two more. Allahul musta'aan. What are they anyway?

one of them is zikir. Qur'an tells us zikir of Allah is the best. it is an obligation to purify ones nafs. repeating the name of Allah is the only way to purify vices of nafs.

29/ANKEBÛT-45: Utlu mâ ûhıye ileyke minel kitâbi ve ekımıs salât(salâte), innes salâte tenhâ anil fahşâi vel munker(munkeri), ve le zikrullâhi ekber(ekberu), vallâhu ya’lemu mâ tasneûn(tasneûne).



Active Member
one of them is zikir. Qur'an tells us zikir of Allah is the best. it is an obligation to purify ones nafs. repeating the name of Allah is the only way to purify vices of nafs.

29/ANKEBÛT-45: Utlu mâ ûhıye ileyke minel kitâbi ve ekımıs salât(salâte), innes salâte tenhâ anil fahşâi vel munker(munkeri), ve le zikrullâhi ekber(ekberu), vallâhu ya’lemu mâ tasneûn(tasneûne).

And the other one is following a "murshid", right?


Active Member
one of them is zikir. Qur'an tells us zikir of Allah is the best. it is an obligation to purify ones nafs. repeating the name of Allah is the only way to purify vices of nafs.

29/ANKEBÛT-45: Utlu mâ ûhıye ileyke minel kitâbi ve ekımıs salât(salâte), innes salâte tenhâ anil fahşâi vel munker(munkeri), ve le zikrullâhi ekber(ekberu), vallâhu ya’lemu mâ tasneûn(tasneûne).

Thikir is indeed great. Allah 'aza wa jal mentioned it many times in the Qur'an. So did the Prophet in many authentic hadeeth. But never did the Prophet-salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam-, or his Sahaba radhiya-Allahu 'anhum ever repeat Allah's name on its own. This is an innovation created by the Soofiyah, wal'iyathu Billah. Also, the Prophet salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam, only mentioned five pillars in the authentic hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar. Nowhere is it mentioned that they are seven, or that the shaytaan has concealed two more.


Mo ~

there are movements underway within Islam to revive the spirits of piety, introspection, and unity. you're on facebook, brother. there are some neat groups out there, look around. Allah bless and guide you.


Veteran Member
And the other one is following a "murshid", right?

hajj and zakaat are depend on money. which means if you have money you can do those. poors arenot obligated with hajj.

salaat, fasting (if one is healthy) and zikir are obligations for all Muslims. but these are not the aim itself. these are vehicles. what they are for is to reach Allah Almighty. if a person donot have wish to reach Allah, he uses these vehicles to reach nowhere. the most important obligation is to want to reach Allah. that's the aim. without this aim there is no way people could enter heaven.

everyone, whether they have faith or not, reaches Allah when they die. the difference between -anyone- and a Muslim is that Muslim who follows commands of Allah, spends his life to reach Allah before he dies.

hidayet is to reach Allah Almighty:

3/ÂLİ İMRÂN-73: Ve lâ tu’minû illâ li men tebia dînekum, kul innel hudâ hudallâhi en yu’tâ ehadun misle mâ ûtîtum ev yuhâccûkum inde rabbikum, kul innel fadla bi yedillâh(yedillâhi), yu’tîhi men yeşâ’(yeşâu), vallâhu vâsiun alîm(alîmun).

39/ZUMER-54: Ve enîbû ilâ rabbikum ve eslimû lehu min kabli en ye’tiyekumul azâbu summe lâ tunsarûn(tunsarûne).

2/BAKARA-120: Ve len terdâ ankel yahûdu ve len nasârâ hattâ tettebia milletehum kul inne hudâllâhi huvel hudâ ve leinitteba’te ehvâehum ba’dellezî câeke minel ilmi, mâ leke minallâhi min veliyyin ve lâ nasîr(nasîrin).

2 / BAQARAH 120:Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you till you follow their religion. Say: “Verily, reaching Allah, that is the (only) Guidance (Hidâyet). And if you were to follow their desires after what you have received of Knowledge (i.e. the Qur’ân), then you would have against Allah neither any “Velî” (Protector or Guardian, Friend) nor any helper.



Veteran Member
Thikir is indeed great. Allah 'aza wa jal mentioned it many times in the Qur'an. So did the Prophet in many authentic hadeeth. But never did the Prophet-salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam-, or his Sahaba radhiya-Allahu 'anhum ever repeat Allah's name on its own. This is an innovation created by the Soofiyah, wal'iyathu Billah. Also, the Prophet salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam, only mentioned five pillars in the authentic hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar. Nowhere is it mentioned that they are seven, or that the shaytaan has concealed two more.

shaytaan would never invite you to zikir of Allah! on the contrary actually.

it is only societies who claims it is 5.

just consider. you may not find a description about how to do salaat or which prayers to say during salaat or even how to ablution. yet Qur'an says zikir of Allah is the greatest, greater than salaat. so how could one think salaat is an obligation but the greatest prayer is not? because that's what we learned from society? think about it!

ps: i am sorry, it's been off-topic.


Active Member
Salaat is remembrance of Allah... dhikr is not simply reciting a couple of words in certain times a day… you are in remembrance of Allah, along with when you perform salaat, when you ponder on God's creation or even about the Quran… you also remember Allah when you avoid sinning and when you repent after you have committed one…

Maybe I am not understanding what your post was about lava... how can you say dhikr of Allah is greater then salaat when salaat is dhikr...?


Active Member
What I know from Ahadith that there is 5 basics of islam.and in salat you say zikir...

zikr without salat is very great... But I talk about the 5 basics of islam...

Not at all,

What I want to say is that what happen in this thread(except Ayani) is an example of our status...

We leave the huge and very important things and talk in other subjects...

People killed, People in prisons, People don't find what to eat...

And what is in our mind?... Our mind is busy by other subjects!!

God bless you and make you happy in Eid.


To Save A Lamb
Yeah, well, Mo, those brothers and sisters in Bosnia celebrate Ramadan by.... singing. Sometimes they even sing with... Christians.

My head spins...

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
We leave the huge and very important things and talk in other subjects...

People killed, People in prisons, People don't find what to eat...

And what is in our mind?... Our mind is busy by other subjects!!

I find that it is more important to speak about the cure to these ails, as well as speak of the ills. Often I find we talk about the issues among the muslims, but what about the cure? Once we identify it in what practical steps will we take to implement the cure? These are the questions we need to address. We are aware for the majority of WHAT the problem is, but not how to fix it.


these days when i pray, i focus on Allah as Al-Rahman, Al-Rahim, and pray that we all might also have these attributes. the ability to be merciful, responsive, to recognize suffering. like i said, facebook is an awesome way to connect with Muslims and non-Muslims around the world who have the connections and resources to organize, broadcast what is going on around the world, and get help where it needs to go. we can fix things by starting with ourselves and our priorities. arguing over hadith, or meeting other Muslims around the world and sharing ideas with them?

it's a good place to start, at least.


Brother Moegypt...I can feel your deep sadness from the tone of your words...and I can understand that..

I'm usually an optimistic person, so I dont usually feel that way towards our issues..

Look, yeah, people are being killed everywhere, others are dying of hanger....Even though, we can't neglect the importance of talking about the other subjects your referred to...
Everyone has his role in this Umma..

Here in RF, our role (as muslims) is to clarify our Hanif religion to the non-muslim...to achieve a paradigm shift for people here towards our beliefs...

To achieve this goals, we are going to have many internal battles, which will clarify our religion to OURSELVES first, and will enhance the bond between us (muslims)...After this only, we will be ready to defend ourselves in front of others...

I just dont want you to feel any mad about the issues discussed here...yet sometimes they can be useless, but only God guides us to the right way..

I'm not saying the people killing and stuff is a secondary subject, but I'm just saying everything has it's own time and place....and in RF it's our place to win our MENTAL and Theological battle..
Could be some other battle somewhere else...

The most important thing is the Neya (intention)....We must all agree that we are doing whatever we do for the sake of Allah :)


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