I have seen it be said (even in these forums) that sexually maturity/the time of most fertility is around 12 years old.
Do some actually beleive this? What is your basis of this?
I have seen no eveidence to point to this.
Even so, we must agree that mental/emotional maturity is defiantly not ready to raise a family.
Let's stop spreading this idea, thanks.
Based on my experience of raising two adult-aged children...
Sexual maturity is >age 25. It may even be longer for generation Z who spends way too much time playing video games and less time getting the face-to-face soft skills that go with 'playing the game'. But, to give you an idea of the "modern' 21ish person:
1) Can't cook.
2) Keep house.
3) Do things without being reminded.
4) Find motivation for anything but cell phones, social media, and video games. (fore-mentioned)
Essentially, most of them are adult-aged 12 year old both in life skills and relationship skills. Mind you, I'm not really judging them from my place now just comparing them to myself at similar times. I was married, worked full time while going to school full time, and was completely self-sufficient. I couldn't wait to have my own life and fly the coup... Which, it seems is a trait the younger generation lacks.
At the risk of sounding like and old man (which doesn't bother me) you probably are never ready to raise a family even when you think you can. But, that being said there is a limit to human biological viability which curtails greatly by age 35 in women. So, basically you can have your video games or make your families but not have both. The clock keeps ticking for us all and doesn't care about our feelings or whether something is fun or enjoyable. If you want kids that goes into the 25-35 program... Worry about careers and other garbage later when the uterus goes on permanent vacation.
Hopefully, you aren't one of those people...
I'm just ranting... Anyway, strive to be autonomous because freedom lies in that direction. Learn seemingly innocuous stuff like how to fix a chicken, repair some plumbing, and put some paint on the house. (The right way not just slapping it up there!
) When you can do your meals, fix up a house, and have cleaning mastery you're ready for kids. Until then, just worry about yourself.