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Fidel Castro


Veteran Member
I admire him for the way he freed his country from Batista and improved the healthcare, education and life of ordinary people in his country.
He was a beacon of hope for people in the poorest and least developed countries to whom his internationalism was expressed through medical, educational and other civilian support.


I admire him for the way he freed his country from Batista and improved the healthcare, education and life of ordinary people in his country.
He was a beacon of hope for people in the poorest and least developed countries to whom his internationalism was expressed through medical, educational and other civilian support.
yes a benign dictator then, a wonder all those people trying to get to America across the sea.
Even his own daughter Alina Fernandez prefers a life of exile as a dissident in Miami to rule under her "despotic" father. not unusual in a daughter i suppose.

how about the thousands of executions?, the lack of freedom of expression? ,the prisoners of conscience? labor camps established in 1965 to confine "social deviants" including homosexuals and Jehovah's witness to work "counter-revolutionary" influences out of certain segments of the population closed in the sixties thanks to international outcry but hey what a guy standing up to those imperial Yankees like that

yes a beacon alright a beacon to every tin pot dictator in south America to look up to and emulate .


Veteran Member
US administrations have done a lot more in terms of supporting South American dictators etc than Fidel ever did.


US administrations have done a lot more in terms of supporting South American dictators etc than Fidel ever did.
of course
well they had more money although he is reputed to have double the wealth of our queen and in regards to schools you are aware of the "Cumulative School File" if not look it up, yep you cant beat free indoctrination


Veteran Member
I imagine that your exact statement was not dissimilar to the thoughts of many when Franco died. Christ, people lined the streets and wept on Suharto's burial day. Franco brought order, Suharto brought the IMF and Coca-Cola. Both along with Castro brought repression, killings, prison for objectors, and the conditions where freedoms were abused. I hope for better.


I imagine that your exact statement was not dissimilar to the thoughts of many when Franco died. Christ, people lined the streets and wept on Suharto's burial day. Franco brought order, Suharto brought the IMF and Coca-Cola. Both along with Castro brought repression, killings, prison for objectors, and the conditions where freedoms were abused. I hope for better.
hear hear!


Brother Rock
I'm glad we're on the same page ;)

How would you like it if you could not freely leave your country? Or have free speech? Shall we go back to his round up when he took power and one by one called mens names, took them out back and shot them? Sick, just sick!

and the mention of him being a great man is ........ is........ ( lost for words my friend):(


Veteran Member
Cuba is a better place because of Castro.
Literacy, healthcare, working conditions.
He got the corrupt regime out and improved the lives of the majority of Cubans. A great man.


Veteran Member
Cuba is a better place because of Castro.
Literacy, healthcare, working conditions.
He got the corrupt regime out and improved the lives of the majority of Cubans. A great man.

We shouldn't pause there though. The complacency of 'The Left' in identifying role models and ignoring their errors has been catastrophic for our movement. Let's not submit to such stupidity again.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Castro may have done some good things, but unfortunately they don't redeem him of his restrictions of freedom and violation of human rights.


Cuba is a better place because of Castro.
Literacy, healthcare, working conditions.
He got the corrupt regime out and improved the lives of the majority of Cubans. A great man.

He exchanged a system of corruption for just something worse. Not much difference in my mind's eye. As has already been said, there was no freedom of speech, jail and executions for dissenters, no freedom to leave the country, to either join family in other countries to just to travel and see the wonders of the world. Imagine, doomed to spend your entire life on a tiny island because of the whims of a dictator! What I don't understand is why, during interviews, Castro wasn't asked exactly why he believed his system for Cuba, his people's lack of basic freedoms, etc. was right for Cuba. Come right out and ask him these questions. I'll bet the ground rules for interviews forbade these type of questions, but why? If Castro believed his "system" was right, then he should be proud of it and tell us why people in Cuba shouldn't have freedoms. But he wouldn't do that, probably because he knows it's wrong and he can't justify it.

I also can't figure out why his Cuban army supported him. After all, they are also stuck on that damn island their entire life too!

Fat Old Sun

Active Member
Cuba is a better place because of Castro.
Literacy, healthcare, working conditions.
He got the corrupt regime out and improved the lives of the majority of Cubans. A great man.

Come on down to Miami and sing that song to people who actually lived under Castro's regime.


Reason, and reason again
Come on down to Miami and sing that song to people who actually lived under Castro's regime.
Go to Cuba and look around for yourself. Despite popular misconceptions (propagated by the media) you can openly insult Fidel Castro and criticize the revolution.

Your statement is about as fair as drawing opinions from Bush at a Democratic convention. :sarcastic