OK, thank you for the explanation. He was far too apologetic for me to take offense... must have said "I'm sorry" 4 times. I was more afraid that
I'd made a serious breach of etiquette on my first visit! Like the story of the kid who went to Mass and threw the wafer in the garbage.....
Anyway, my questions range from total ignorance to vehement disapproval. Don't worry, though... like I said, this thread is for education, not debate. Just trying to understand.
IAnyway, in order of priority:
1) What's with the emphasis on physical modesty? Why is it important?
Islam emphasizes both physical
and spiritual/moral modesty. Islam draws a certain frame for relationships between humans. Modesty is an important quality in our dealing with fellow humans, i.e our relationships should be based on the moral/spiritual qualities rather than the physical. And usually, sensuality and sexuality are associated with the physical body and this is not a bad thing at all
if sensuality and sexuality are directed to the husband-wife relationship.
The healthy family is the nucleus of the healthy society. If the physical aspect is to be confined to marriage, I believe more couples will be satisfied with their other half physically, sensually and sexually which promotes a more stable family.
Unfortunately, in the materialistic world we live in, there is no promotion of modesty, but promotion of lust and hedonistic philosophies and consequently taking the physical/sensual aspects to the public social realm. As we witness, the consequences are totally destructive to the individuals and the society as a whole; absurd sexual relations between humans, high divorce rates, troubled children...lost adults...
And this drives me to reply to your second question about sex:
Storm said:
2) What's the attitude toward sex? I understand that you frown on premarital, but what about within the bonds of marriage?
Islam looks very positively towards sex between the married couples to the degree of considering it an act of charity/worship and God rewards you for having sex with your spouse!! Also, sexual satisfaction of women is highly emphasized. For example, according to a hadith, prophet Muhammad said:
"Not one of you should fall upon his wife like an animal; but let there first be a messenger between you." "And what is that messenger?" they asked, and he replied:
"Kisses and words."
You can check this thread, if you're interested:
Storm said:
From my own perspective, the human body is amazing. Scientifically and aesthetically. It should be celebrated as such. Why cover up God's handiwork? I just don't get it.
Why should "the human body is amazing scientifically and aesthetically" contradict with modesty?
Human body is amazing scientifically, yes. God in the Qur'an urged us to understand His creation, how they are created, to contemplate the signs of God in the universe and in us.
Aesthetically, yes amazing, and that's why we keep its beauty between the married couples.
But modesty also is amazing and its beauty surpass the physical beauty. Sheltering one's body with clothes is a blessing from God and one of His signs, as well. Modesty is God's handiwork too that should be celebrated.
The Qur'an says:
O children of Adam, We have bestowed upon you clothing to conceal your private parts and as adornment. But the clothing of righteousness – that is best. That is from the signs of Allāh that perhaps they will remember. (A'raaf:26)
3) Why are men and women so segregated? Isn't that pretty sexist?
Sexist? How? :sarcastic
I can't say that men and women should be so segregated in Islam, men and women have to deal with each other in this crowded life normally, but Islam regulates the relationship between the two sexes to be based on qualities like respect and modesty away from the physical and sexual aspects that belong to bedrooms.
Why is flirting sinful, if its all in good fun?
As I said, the hedonistic thinking and behavior is totally away from the purified purpose we are created for according to the Islamic thinking. The Muslim's goal is to step higher on the ladder to perfection, God's love and pleasure. Thus, any step/action should take us higher on this ladder.
Running after lusts (the earthly desires) will definitely make you fall down away from your purpose. But Islam doesn't say suppress or ignore your physical desires, but it says let fulfilling these desires take you closer to your goal and this happens when it's done in its clean paths, when this satisfaction is guided by the higher spiritual and moral meanings.
In other words, Islam aims to create an individual whose lusts and physical desires
don't control and shape his purpose and movements in this life, but he is the controller of these desires so that fulfilling them can get him closer to his goal; knowing and loving God.
Storm said:
I understand that, but why is it the standard now? We've changed.
Who have changed exactly?
Human core doesn't change. The truth doesn't change. If some people in some periods of history promoted chaotic definitions of human relationships, it doesn't mean their definitions should be the standard to other peoples.
If your society has changed, your society is not my reality nor my standard. Even if your definitions shaped the reality of my society, it doesn't mean I accept this reality, it doesn't mean they are my standards. The Muslim doesn't drive his definitions and standards from people or society, he drives them from the divine guidance that transcends place and time. The Muslim doesn't surrender to the surrounding reality but he attempts to create a better reality.
Frankly, I don't see any of these "changes" tempting or worthy of embrace.