Jesus in me
I agree with this. The Bible is written in parable form (Psalm 78:2) and words must be compared with other places where they occur in the Bible to get at the parable meanings. The word creation is often abused by readers who do not realize the Bible is talking about those saved persons who God creates in his image (the believers) when he talks about his creation. He is not talking about planets and the universe in these instances. Jesus was declared a priest forever after the order of Melchisedec in Hebrews 7. He says that before Abraham was he was (John 8:58). He appears to have been throughout eternity. However, the same chapter 7 in Hebrews says that he offered himself up as a sacrifice just once, for those he came to save. It was from this death of sacrifice on the cross that he was the first born from. Those who would be born to new spiritual life come afterwards. Incidentally, this is the same birth that is spoken of as the first resurrection in Rev. 20:6. The true believers are said to have part in this first resurrection of Christ, because they are saved through it. Their mention in this Rev 20:6 verse is just more evidence that the Col 1:15 verse in question is talking about the true believers only when it mentions 'creation'.
I believe this does not refer to the whole Bible but simply to that specific Psalm.
I believe that can be helpful but words can also change meaning when written in a different context.
I beleive Paul refers to this as a first fruit not a first birth.
I believe a resurrection is not a birth even though it is a beginning.