The Jews of today are like a Doctor X who is very careful to do all the things a doctor must do: He sets up an office, hangs out his sign and advertizes in the Yellow Pages. Doctor Y was talking with Doctor X one day, and "X" noted that "Y" was not a good doctor, because he had not advertized in the Yellow Pages. Doctor "Y" responded, "Yes, but at least I've been to medical school, which you haven't". Doctor X was then all the more convinced that "Y" was not a proper doctor; because not only didn't he advertize in the Yellow Pages, but he had insulted Doctor X, whom "X" considered the model of a true doctor.
Jesus wants us to love God with all our hearts (which the rich young man of the gospels did not do, because he loved his riches), and then to love one another. Without doing that, our righteousness is, as Paul calls it, "tinkling brass".
I would that Shermana, Messianic Jew and Zardoz would show at least enough love for the brethren, to continue to answer our questions; but they do not. Like the Pharisees, they say, "And who is my brother, or my neighbor?", and so they dismiss us.
Shalom shalom.