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Forget religion, is science even correct?

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I believe that we don't know the beginnings of our universe, and probably never will perfectly.

Science does help, I must admit, but does it get us to the exact 100%?

It's hard to imagine anything to be exact on our origins, science discovered the Big Bang Theory, the expansion of the universe, astro-evolution and biological-evolution, etc.

But is it correct 100%

Could it ever be right on target?


Veteran Member
I believe that we don't know the beginnings of our universe, and probably never will perfectly.

Science does help, I must admit, but does it get us to the exact 100%?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. The great thing about science is that it's willing to correct itself when necessary. And this possibility is recognized and remembered even when science comes out with seemingly dogmatic statements. Scientists may say X is this or that, but knowing full well "this and that" may not be the absolute truth. And this is something a lot of lay people don't understand about the field: science truths, unlike those of religion for example, are always open to correction.

It's hard to imagine anything to be exact on our origins, science discovered the Big Bang Theory, the expansion of the universe, astro-evolution and biological-evolution, etc.

But is it correct 100%

Could it ever be right on target?
It could be.


Veteran Member
I believe that we don't know the beginnings of our universe, and probably never will perfectly.

I 100% agree.

Science does help, I must admit, but does it get us to the exact 100%?
The current science cannot even fully understand the most insignificant of creatures.

"So perfect and comprehensive is His creation that no mind nor heart, however keen or pure, can ever grasp the nature of the most insignificant of His creatures; much less fathom the mystery of Him Who is the Day Star of Truth, Who is the invisible and unknowable Essence." Baha'u'llah

It's hard to imagine anything to be exact on our origins, science discovered the Big Bang Theory, the expansion of the universe, astro-evolution and biological-evolution, etc.

But is it correct 100%

Could it ever be right on target?

Science by definition is what we know "so far". Many times in history, people believed something was scientifically correct, but later it was proved either it was wrong or not completely correct.


Veteran Member
We can only really describe how closely the theories fit the experimental data. Perhaps future science will predict the universe so tidily that we will feel sufficiently confident that we are "correct". Whether that is justified is probably a topic for philosophy, but in the end if it works I'm happy.


Well-Known Member
I believe that we don't know the beginnings of our universe, and probably never will perfectly.

Science does help, I must admit, but does it get us to the exact 100%?

It's hard to imagine anything to be exact on our origins, science discovered the Big Bang Theory, the expansion of the universe, astro-evolution and biological-evolution, etc.

But is it correct 100%

Could it ever be right on target?
I would not even call it 100% correctness. Nothing is 100%. I would say it has a success rate for having some accurate an reliable information before saying science is some type of holy grail to the universe, being 100% correct. It has made a lot of progress and has a fundamental basis for furthering knowledge and understanding of the natural world and whatever it is that is being studied. If you know enough about something, then there are some things that you don't really need science for. Science just verifies or validates your claims. As far as science and studying the universe goes. I think science has it problems, and eventually people will have to decide how to fix them the deeper they get into studying things like the universe. It is easy to jot down a bunch of stuff about what you may have observed, but when things are light years away, that "supposed 100% correctness" falls to probably 5%. I compare it to a caveman with tools, to a modern day scientist with tools. They are still relying on tools that are made by man.


New Member
Science is a process. It is a useful way of learning about the universe. It doesn't mean that it will be within the power of humans to discover everything there is to know. But in terms of reliability we know now that scietific methods are much more reliable and accurate than other means. For example hundreds of years ago it was thought that if the priest (or some other respected figure) thought something to be true, it was good evidence that it was true. Ancient people discovered information through visions from God, dreams, reading about other people's visions from God, etc. Now we have a better way to learn accurate information about the universe.


I believe that we don't know the beginnings of our universe, and probably never will perfectly.

Science does help, I must admit, but does it get us to the exact 100%?

It's hard to imagine anything to be exact on our origins, science discovered the Big Bang Theory, the expansion of the universe, astro-evolution and biological-evolution, etc.

But is it correct 100%

Could it ever be right on target?

Science doesn't claim nor need to be 100% correct. That's not really even possible because that would require some sort of collective omniscience among scientists.

Long as science is the most accurate and useful tool, it will remain to be an important and legitimate field.

did u know that islam in holy quran locates the lowest point of earth in that time
and now it is clear for human with new technologies(gps &...)that what quran says is true ?
religion is the most complete source that human didnt get its complete meanings till yet now
if u want i can example more for u
I believe that we don't know the beginnings of our universe, and probably never will perfectly.

Science does help, I must admit, but does it get us to the exact 100%?

It's hard to imagine anything to be exact on our origins, science discovered the Big Bang Theory, the expansion of the universe, astro-evolution and biological-evolution, etc.

But is it correct 100%

Could it ever be right on target?

It can be very close but never 100% right because we don't know whether we'll make some observation or find some experimental result which throws a spanner in our best and most comprehensive theories. We should be cautiously optimistic but not to the point where we blind ourselves to that which would require us to change our ideas.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I fully agree with the OP. Our best science is only based on our best observations and the best available information. I think it would be foolish to assume that what we hold as the most likely explanations today will never be challenged or altered.
What I find odd is when science takes on aliens, alternate dimensions and universes, and other things that have absolutely no proof. This might be the only universe, there could be a countless number of them. There could be millions of planets that have life on them, we might be on the only one. And then there are the theories that are really no different than a god theory, such as string theory. It just seems odd to say they are too small to see, but these extra dimensions are there, beyond our perception.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
did u know that islam in holy quran locates the lowest point of earth in that time
and now it is clear for human with new technologies(gps &...)that what quran says is true ?
religion is the most complete source that human didnt get its complete meanings till yet now
if u want i can example more for u
Oh, please do. We haven't discussed the genius of Maurice Bucaille or Harun Yahya in a long while.
holy quran says in ayat"noor " that persian and roman people will have battles in the lowest land(that refers to the lands beside the dead sea ).quran predicted this 7 years befor the time that battle happened.its no doubt and it is a prediction and a scientific sign.history declares that the battle between iran and roman happend beside the dead sea and in our age technology clinchs that the lowest land on the earth is there.
another qurans miracle:
و انزل من السماء ماء فاخرجنا به ازواجا من نبات شتی »
in soore طهand the ayat53 quran says that we sent waters from the sky and we grow couples of plants and ...
now scientists are agreed with this sentences and its a great miracle.
another fantastic miracles:
holy quran says that we created the" world in 6 eras "(ages) in sooreh ق سوره and ayat 38
and on the other side it says that we created "the earth" in 2 eras and now scientists are saying that
life time of earth is 4.5 milliard years and life time of the whole world is 13.5 milliard years
so calculate these numbers and u will find that: 6 eras/2 eras =3 and 13.5 mill years/4.5 miil years=3


Hostis humani generis
another qurans miracle:
و انزل من السماء ماء فاخرجنا به ازواجا من نبات شتی »
in soore طهand the ayat53 quran says that we sent waters from the sky and we grow couples of plants and ...
now scientists are agreed with this sentences and its a great miracle.

The Quran says that water falls from the sky and helps plants grow?
That is a miracle?
Are you seriously saying that?
