Hindu Wannabe
Granted, this "news" is more than two years old, but I learned about it only today. I found it noteworthy that former "angel therapist", channel medium and New Age author Doreen Virtue became a born-again Christian in 2017. She had made a fortune writing several dozen books, usually with "The [insert item here] of the Angels" titles. Virtue says that her income dropped significantly since her conversion, and that she gets hatemail from her disappointed former fans. Virtue published a book entitled "The Joy of Jesus". Readers of the book say that in it, she sounds paranoid. Maybe she has channelled one spirit too many. Before, she sold angel tarot cards and made angel meditation CD with relaxing music. Now she's selling "The Joy of Jesus" tarot cards, and promotes "meditations on the psalms" with still the same relaxing music.
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