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Full Text of Treatise at Wembley Conference 1924, by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah II (r.a.)


Peace be upon you.
With the Grace and Mercy of God ! He alone is the Helper

I MUST at the outset acknowledge the limitless bounty of God who has endowed us with faculties by means of which we can attain to perfect realization of Him and communion with Him, and I render countless thanks to Him for having thrown open to us those avenues of knowledge which lead to perfect realization of Him, and for having shown us the path by treading on which we
can attain to union with Him. I next proceed, very briefly, with the subject concerning which
I have been desired by the Conference of Living Religions within the British Empire to state my views, viz. Ahmadiyyat. The Foundation of the Movement and, its Present Strength The Ahmadiyyah Movement is not an old Movement ; it is only about thirty-four years old. It was founded in 1890 by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (on whom be peace !) under an express Divine command. He claimed to be the Mahdi, whose advent had been foretold by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (on whom be peace and the blessings of God !) and the Messiah, whose advent had been foretold in the Bible and in certain Islamic books, and the Promised teacher, whose appearance in the last age had been foretold by almost every Prophet.
Rejoice, ye bridesmaids, and sing joyful hymns, for the bride-groom has come. He who has been sought after has been found. He who was being waited for till the eyes of those who waited had
become dim now illumines your eye ; Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Those who find him find all, and those who see him not will see nothing.

And the end of our discourse is

Praise be to Allah,

The Lord of the Universe.



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