There's a major problem with the study, ie, it's bunk.
We vote in many elections at many levels. There
are differences between the candidates running,
& the voters select the preferred ones. Sure, sure,
it's often based upon emotion, party affiliation, &
misinformation. But there is no doubt that the
selections reflect voter desires, & that politicians
cater to those desires.
So when GW Bush led us into 2 wars, he was
re-elected by voters who knew & approved.
When Obama continued both wars, he was
rewarded with a 2nd term. Hillary favored both
wars, & won the popular vote against Trump.
There were alternatives, but voters rejected them.
The illusion is that most people believe government
is catering to someone else's wants. The "oligarchy"
is the boogeyman, but the reality is that both Dems
& Pubs each believe the other has too much power,
thereby corrupting & perverting the true path that
the country should have.
It reminds me of a recent statement by a friend. She's
a liberal & a Democrat. She wished that Trump & his
supporters would all just die. Then the Democrats
would do what is right for the country.
Notice that she
wants what they want...she doesn't
complain that the oligarchy makes them do what she
People still vote because it makes a difference...but it's
a general difference, one borne of compromise by the
opposing factions. So almost no individual is satisfied
with the result. They think democracy is dead. It's really
sour grapes.
My solution....
Advocate & vote. Hope for the best, but limit expectations
to mediocre results. One will be seldom disappointed.