There is a lot of room for grey areas these days. For instance hookers wear short skirts and revealing tops but then so do many women who are not hookers. The same thing goes for men kissing men. It is not necessarily an overtly sexual act and we entertain many from cultures where it is practiced as a form of friendship. Such acts are most often performed as greetings. Excessive fondling and kissing on a park bench goes beyond friendship or a greeting.
'she wanted it, look how she dressed' I am guessing that rape victims are at fault, right? Perhaps we should enact biblical laws and execute rape victims for not screaming loud enough in towns, hmmm?
So, two men who give each other a kiss of greeting,
something that early christians did, should be arrested? Did I read that right?
Does your outrage at 'excessive fondling on park benches' extend to heterosexual couples or is it limited to those dirty homos? I know that when I visited San Fransisco and walked around in the Castro district (you know the gay district? The one where the gay politician was assassinated by the christian guy?) I was more likely to see straight couples making out than gay couples. Perhaps one should concentrate one's ire upon the behavior of your own orientation since the gays are out numbered 10 to 1 or more by straights. Or perhaps you think that starting with the gays will be easier since there are fewer of us?