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German Federal Elections 2013


Well-Known Member
So in less than a month germany has its federal election. Everyone knows who will win so its probably the most boring german election ever.

But i found an election compass that doesnt seem too biased. And i find it always interesting to know how people from foreign countries score on them. Sadly its just in german(it must be a terrible work to just include two languages, native language and english) but hey i translated it.
And dont worry we are even as iam also not allowed to vote so it pretty much means the same to you and me. Well except that i have to live with the final result. :run:

Also show us your result.
Based on your result i'll tell you how horrible/un-german it is. :D

Anyway here is the link and if you scroll my post down you will see the translated questions/statements.


For these statements it should be obviously that you dont have to answer them truthfully. Seriously who cares.
Ihr Geschlecht = Gender

männlich = male
weiblich = female

In welchem Bundesland leben Sie momentan? = In which federal state do you currently reside? (the obvious answer for most of you should be „Ich lebe momentan nicht in Deutschland“ = Currently i dont reside within Germany“

Ihr höchster Bildungsabschluss = Your highest educational qualification
- noch Schüler/in = still in school
- Schule beendet ohne Abschluss = finished school without any qualification
- Volks-/Hauptschulabschluss = kinda like lowerd secondary education
- Mittlere Reife / Realschulabschluss = kinda like junior high school
- Abitur = high school diploma after 12 years
- Abgeschlossenes Studium = Bachelor or Master
- keine Angabe = prefer not to say

Wie sicher wissen Sie bereits, für wen Sie stimmen werden? = Do you already know for whom you are going to vote?
1st option = i know which party iam going to vote for
2nd option = undecided between two parties
3rd option = still dont know
4th option = not going to vote

So after this is out of the way lets go.

There are always 6 options within the poll.
stimme vollkommen zu = absolutely agree with it
stimme zu = agree with it
neutral = neutral
stimme nicht zu = disagree with it
stimme absolut nicht zu = absolutely disagree with it
keine Meinung = no opinion

1st question/statement
Ethics and Values
Should only heterosexual couples be able to adopt a child?

2nd question/statement
Welfare state
The child care subsidy is to be abolished and more day care centres are to be established. (here children(after the age of 1) have the guaranteed right for a half-day nursery(Kindergarten), to circumvent this(there simply arent enough free slots for the kids) the conservatives and liberals came up with the idea that if one parent stays home he or she gets money for that BUT only if the child is two or three years old)

3rd question/statement
Income and Taxes
Companies should be able to determine the manager salary themselve.

4th question/statement
Public funds shouldnt be used to save private banks.

5th question/statement
Income and Taxes
Should an unconditional basic income be established? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unconditional_basic_income#Germany)

6th question/statement
Should arms shipments into foreign countries be stronger regulated?

7th question/statement
Welfare state
Should financial subsidies for unemployed be raised?

8th question/statement
A federal rental prices cap is not desirable.

9th question/statement
Germany and the EU
Should Germany leave the EU?

10th question/statement
Income and Taxes
The maximum tax rate on income should be raised.(this is usually meant for those who earn more than 120.000 € per year)

11th question/statement
Ethics and Values
Islam is not compatible with the (system of) values of the federal republic

12th question/statement
Foreigners who live within Germany should be able to freely practice their Religion.

13th question/statement
Germany and the EU
Germany should abolish the Euro and reintroduce the Deutsche Mark.

14th question/statement
Welfare state
Everyone including civil servants(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beamter) and freelance professionals should be required to pay into the social security system.

15th question/statement
The copying and reproducing of all works(books, games, music...............................) within the internet should be legal.

16th question/statement
Immigration into germany should be further restricted, even for skilled workers.

17th question/statement
All german nuclear power plants should be powered down immediately.(atm the plan is to power them all down till 2022)

18th question/statement
Germany and the EU
Turkey should become a full member of the EU.

19th question/statement
Farmers should be supported by the state even if they dont grow organically.

20th question/statement
A legal female quota in executive positions in companies should be created.

21st question/statement
It should be easier for asylum seekers to get the right of a permament residence.

22nd question/statement
Income and Taxes
Tax advantages for married couples shouldnt be changed.(its really complicated.... i wont even try to explain it, lets just say that its the reason why most people marry in the first place, married couples pay less taxes)

23rd question/statement
The Dual citizenship is to be rejected.

24th question/statement
Constitutional State
Marihuana should be legalised.

25th question/statement
All operations abroad of the armed forces have to be terminated.

26th question/statement
Constitutional State
The online search of civilian computers(you and me) by the authorities should be illegal.

27th question/statement
Income and Taxes
A comprehensive statutory minimum wage should be established.

28th question/statement
Germany and the EU
To save the Euro its good that Germany supports financially weaker countries.

29th question/statement
The state shouldnt interfere with the economy.

30th Economy/statement
There should be a general speed limit on the Autobahn(german highway system).

Now there are just three more questions which you can ignore because they wont influence your result.
There is a list of german politicians.
Question 1 is wether you find those politicians likeable.
1 for not likeable and 10 for likeable.
ich weiß nicht = i dont know
keine Meinung = no opinion

After that question you get the same list except that this time its about competence.

Then you get a list of german parties(not all) and wether you would vote for them.
1 = never ever going to vote for them
10 = so going to vote for them

CDU/CSU – Centre-right - Christian democracy, Liberal conservatism, Conservatism, Protestantism, Catholicism

SPD - Centre-left - Social democracy, Third Way

FDP - Centre-right - Liberalism, Classical liberalism

Die Linke - Left-wing - Democratic socialism, Anti-capitalism

Bündnis 90/Die Grünen - Centre-left - Green politics

Piratenpartei - Pirate politics, Direct democracy, Freedom of information, Privacy, Copyright reform

AfD - Euroscepticism, Conservatism

NPD – Far-right - National Socialism, German nationalism, Pan-Germanism, Third Position

After that you finally get your compass.

Top = social progressive
Down = social conservative
Left = economic left
Right = economic right

Remember, sharing is caring unless its fluttershy.
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Argumentative Curmudgeon
Premium Member
If you use Chrome, it will offer to auto-translate the page for you. :p

And I ended up just slightly to the right of you. SPD was in the left area of my oval.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Well, I have mine, but I have to point out that much of the time, I voted neutral or no opinion because I don't have any knowledge of German politics, so I don't know if my actual political position is going to be very well represented.

I'm basically in the same triangle as you guys, but right in the middle of it, so I'm a bit closer up the social progressive ladder, and a bit further right than you, Flankerl.
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Well-Known Member
Well, I have mine, but I have to point out that much of the time, I voted neutral or no opinion because I don't have any knowledge of German politics, so I don't know if my actual political position is going to be very well represented.

But thats the point.

Otherwise it wont reflect how you think in relation to the people in the country in question. :)


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
But thats the point.

Otherwise it wont reflect how you think in relation to the people in the country in question. :)

Hmm... true, that.

Either way, on various topics that I have strong opinions on, I quickly voted "Stimme vollkomen zu" or "stimme absolut nicht zu", and only one I had to say "stimme zu" but in my mind thinking that it's a tentative agreement because it's a bit of a yes and no situation (the issue of online sharing.)